Who doesn't love a classic red lip. It's classy, timeless and looks totally sexy on any woman. But with so many brands out there providing us with so many similar choices, it's enough to make me wonder. Is there a perfect red lipstick? And if so, what is it?
Today i am going to share just some of my Favourites in my collection. You can never have too many right?
Top (Left to Right)Revlon Lip Butter in Candy AppleRimmel Kate Moss in Kiss Of LifeMaybelline NY in Cherry Candy
Bottom (Left to Right)L'Oréal Color Riche in Red PassionShiseido in Perfect Rouge/Rouge Parfait Mirinesse Lip Bomb in (Couldn't find a shade name)
Other classic and timeless red things I love...

Which of mine is your favourite? I'm having a difficult time deciding which I like best! #firstworldbeautyproblemsHave you found THE coveted perfect red lippy? Do share! :)