Fashion Magazine

Bargain Hunt

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


I’m going to share with you a little TK Maxx bargain which I found last Friday while I was out shopping. Now we all know that TK Maxx is the home of bargains, of the luxury type.

I popped into TK Maxx because I was looking for some storage, but they didn’t have what I wanted. I decided that seeing as I was there I should have a good look around and see what I could spot. Unusually for me there wasn’t anything in the Beauty department which wowed me, but when I made my way to the books I fell in love!

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On the shelf amongst all of the cook books I spotted Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual, which I have been lusting after for an age. It has been in my Amazon basket for months fluctuating between £16 and £20, but I just couldn’t bring myself to pay that much for it.

When I found it in TK Maxx there was no price on it so I had a little panic, but there was also a Liz Earle Skin Secrets book for £6.99 so I figured it couldn’t be much more expensive than that and must be under £10. Anyway I trotted off to the tills to have them find the price for me, and it was £7.99! I was gobsmacked and obviously couldn’t leave without it.

Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual has a RRP of £25, so finding it in TK Maxx at £7.99 was almost like a dream come true!

I think you should all make your way to your nearest TK Maxx this weekend, and hopefully they’ll have a copy for you to pick up. I will definitely be taking a closer look at their books in future to see if I spot any more beauty book bargains!

Have you spotted any ace bargains like this in TK Maxx?

Tink x

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