I like what Bardstown has been doing, but most of what they’ve been doing has been sourced so I’m excited to finally try their own stuff. And not just try their own stuff, but try the Bardstown Bourbon Company Maturate VS Distillate. See where the flavors start, how the wood influences it, and get a quick, simple, glimpse at what they’re doing in the distillery part of their business.

Instead of giving a full rundown of the distillate below, I thought I’d describe it up here so you can compare the impression I’m getting from it up here to the more fully formed review of the Maturate below. The Distillate’s aroma is simple, sweet and straightforward with a warm fruity sweetness layered over a warm grain sweetness and a nice minerally pop which translates directly to the palate with additional dessert-style sweetness. The finish is super short and mostly fruity with a light grain and minerally hint.
On the whole, new make isn’t super complex. It can be good and fun to sip, but it usually lacks the complexity that comes from the unity of spirit and oak maturing together. That’s why I didn’t want to take up a whole section reviewing it. The Maturate though… that’s a different story. Let’s get to drinkin’ and see what it has to say.
Bardstown Bourbon Company Maturate VS Distillate – Details and Tasting Notes
Whiskey Details
Region: Kentucky, USA
Distiller: Bardstown Bourbon Co.
Mash Bill: 60% Corn, 36% Rye, 4% Malted Barley
Cask: New Charred Oak
Age: 3 Years
ABV: 50% (Bourbon, Distillate is 60%)
Non-Chill Filtered | Natural Color
Price: N/A

Tasting Notes
Dark amber
Caramel, oak, dried fruit, vanilla, minerally clay spirit, dried corn and a touch of chalk. Sniffing this next to the Distillate shows how much of that spirit shows through at 3 years. By no means is it off-putting since the raw spirit is so good, but it’s interesting to see it shine through so much.
Dried fruit, minerally clay spirit, dried corn, vanilla, caramel, oak, and a touch of chalk. Wow the spirit really shows through on the palate and tasting it next to the Distillate it’s remarkable to be able to identify the genesis of notes that come from the spirit and what’s been added to the Bardstown Bourbon Company Maturate by the oak.
Medium-short -> Fruity-minerally spirit, vanilla, cornbread and chalk dwindle rather quickly leaving a farmy hay-like note.
Decent balance, med-light body and a light feel.
Bardstown Bourbon Company Maturate VS Distillate – Overall Thoughts and Score
Getting to taste the Bardstown Bourbon Company Maturate VS Distillate is immensely educational. Being able to sit down and dissect which notes are derived from the distillate, which is rather fruity, and which is from the oak is fascinating.
In this growing era of whisky nerdery, I wish more companies would facilitate this kind of sensory education. Not just whiskey writers like myself want to know and understand what they’re drinking. Fans, nerds and aficionados around the world would enjoy this insanely valuable experience. I hope this is something they make more broadly available.
SCORE: 2.5/5 (will definitely get better with age)
*Disclosure: The sample for this Bourbon review was graciously sent to me by the company without obligation. The views, opinions, and tasting notes are 100% my own.

Bardstown Bourbon Company Maturate VS Distillate Review $NA
The Maturate is drinkable, if a tad spirity, but that will change as it continues to age and mature. This is a killer start and a mouthwatering foreshadowing for what’s to come.
2.5- Nose (2.5)
- Palate (2.5)
- Finish (2.5)
- BBF (2.5)
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