Arts & Crafts Magazine

Banana Oat Bites

By Bambileigh

I watched a video on YouTube the other week of a woman called Hannah Maggs making some banana oat bites for her son. The photos I took were from the first batch I made – which weren’t all that great. I’ve stuck to her recipe pretty much, I’ve just changed a few things and now I have them every day! I never get up early enough for breakfast so I’ve been making them the night before and eating them in the car on the way to work.

60g porridge oats   1/2tsp cinnamon
25g apple sauce
   2  bananas

As you can see by the tiny list of ingredients they’re quite cheap to make! And they take literally 2 minutes to prepare and about 15 to bake.


When you’ve measured out your ingredients and mashed your bananas you want to just shove everything into a bowl and mix it all together… and you’re done. I’ve found that if you mix the cinnamon in with the mashed bananas before you mix it with everything else it gives more of a subtle cinnamon taste, which I prefer. And if you have a set of scales where you have the option of using your own bowl to measure everything out in you only have a bowl and a spoon to wash up!


Now you just need to spoon the mixture out into little balls on a lined baking tray and put them in the oven until they go slightly brown – about 25 minutes on GM 5 should do it (but that’s just my oven). The amount of bites you get depends on how big you make them, I tend to divide them into 10.


If you make these but think they’re not quite sweet enough for you just add 1/2 tsp of splenda in with the bananas and cinnamon. These taste amazing when they’re warm but if you make them the night before like I do they become quite moist, but if you turn them half way through cooking they’re a bit drier. I love these because they keep me going for about 3 hours and I imagine they’re healthier than a breakfast biscuit!

Check out Hannah’s Video

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