Fashion Magazine

Back to School // Supply Checklist

By Mollylouise

Back to School // Supply Checklist
☑ Black Pens - Schools allow you to use black or blue pens in class but when it comes to exams you must use a black pen otherwise you will lose marks when they're marked and moderated. So always have one sticking around.

☑ Scientific Calculator - These are especially important if you are a GCSE student. You'll need it in Maths, Statistics and Science to calculate formulas and equations. You might struggle if you don't have one in mock papers or exams. 

☑ Geometry Set - These are needed in Maths no matter what year you are in. A compass and a protractor to draw and find the are of a circle or creating a Pie Chart. 

☑ 30cm Ruler - Seems pretty huge but the small ones don't really work when it comes to making a long line and when you join them together you get an wonky and inaccurate line. 

☑ Post-it Notes - These are handy if you've run out of space in your homework planner. More space for important tasks.

☑ Index Cards (Coloured) - These help when it comes to revising for a subject. These are easy to make notes and test yourself during your free-time. The coloured ones make revising seem like a fun thing.

☑ Document Wallet - These are great for keeping organised, you can put loose sheet in there for organising at a later time. 

☑ Ring-binder - If you get more notes from one subject than another it would be useful to have a ring-binder. It then means that all sheets are together and won't get lost or cluttered within other subjects.

☑ Page Dividers - These are great for organising when you have more than 1 unit or topic in a subject. 

☑ Notebooks - If you have to supply your own notebooks you can coordinate front pages for each subject. 

☑ Highlighters - Great for highlighting definitions and explanations. Especially in GCSE Maths when you have to know all the terms like Trigonometry. 

☑ Reading Glasses - If you don't have good eye-sight or want a better viewing of the whiteboard then reading glasses are a good essential. You can pick them up in stores like Poundland and the quality is just as good as anywhere else.

☑ Pencils - For drawing in Design Technology and Maths. Without a doubt they are essential. 

☑ Rubbers (Erasers) - Self explanatory.

☑ USB Memory Stick - For saving unfinished work to be completed at home so you don't have to mess around with the school emailing system. 

☑ Clear Pencil Case - Exam friendly and you can see all of your supplies. On the plus side you can buy them very cheaply. (50p from Tesco).

☑ Dry-Erase Markers - Some schools allow student to use tables and whiteboards to write notes.

☑ Colouring Pencils - School pencils aren't exactly intact so your own would be suitable but should not be mandatory.

☑ Glue Sticks. 

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