For those of you that don't follow me on twitter, the reason I've been so quiet this week is because both of my boys managed to get this vicious intestinal virus and I've been in and out of the doctor's and ER. My boys are a lot like me and they tend to get hit really hard with anything they get, so that in combination with their age made this really difficult for both of them--especially my oldest. They both seem to finally be on the up-swing of this (fingers crossed), but now it looks like I'm coming down with it. I have a very difficult time with vomiting bugs, so we're just hoping I managed to stay out of the hospital with this one.
Anyway, I know I haven't posted much this week and I'm not sure I'll be up for posting anything this weekend, but I'm hoping that by Monday at the latest I can resume my usual posting frequency. I have some great things to share with you and I miss talking to you guys!
Stay healthy and wash your hands like nuts! There are so many things going around right now. I'm a complete germaphobe and we still managed to get it so apparently no one is safe. ;)
Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!
On a side note, for those of you that didn't receive an email about it, MAC has extended its free 2 Day Shipping through the end of today.
Promo code - MAC2DAY
Expiration - Good through the end of today (January 20th)