Life Coach Magazine

Back in Effect

By Mspositivity @Ms__Positivity

Well-well-well guess who is BACKKKKK???! US That’s who!
Goodness gracious…I cannot believe that I have not blogged in over 5 months.  I know that life really gets busy but I have to step back and say “Really Mel?? Set the time aside and get back to what you really loving doing and never stop."  I do have so much going on, but that is no excuse to just stop and not give a good reason as to why. **Shakes finger at myself**
Well here is the deal…I have been working on a few projects that needed my attention and still do.  I have been adding things to my plate, more and more and guess what is going BACK on my plate and I can’t wait…blogging for all of you darlings.
Here is the kicker; I’m not coming back alone either.  See I have realized that I cannot do all of the awesome projects that I have lined up alone.  Now that I have gotten that all out of my busy bee of a mind, I have a partner and she is bleeping awesome.  I bought her on to help me run “Positively Shining” the Facebook page and she is awesomeeeeeeee! (I so wish I had sound effects for that) I thought to myself, well since I will be getting back to blogging and I KNOWWWWW that she loves to blog, I will be bringing my awesome partner along with me on this journey as well! Her name is Trinity and some of my readers may already know her and if you don’t you soon will.  Here is a picture of my awesome chica!  Back in Effect
Trust me, when we work together we totally ROCK it out and that's what was missing!  Now that I know what was missing…guess what??? The Positively Shining blog is what??? BACK IN FULL EFFECT!! ****So this is how things are going to work from here on out, on Monday’s I will post and on Thursdays Trinity will be posting!**** So yes ladies and gents…Positively Shining is back and will NOT be taking any more unexplained absences from what she loves to do!  It SOOOO (read that dramatically…lol) has been way to long and I don’t like it and that is NOT how I-WE roll….so let get to it!
It’s on now and I can’t wait! Ms. Positivity

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