BABYLISS PARISHome Light Connected IPL

Hair hair everywhere and the only place I really want it growing is on my head! So seriously it'sabout time I cottoned onto the IPL band wagon and got my body sorted! HA-LA-LOO-YA!
Growing up I hit puberty pretty early on compared to my friends. EVERYTHING changed when Ihit my 11th birthday. Boobs, butt, acne and yep hair in aaaalll the places!
Needless to say I have been there and done that with all the different hair removal methods out
there. From shaving, hot waxing, cold waxing, wax strips, re-usable wax, hair removal creams,
epilators, tweezers... the list goes on! However for some reason I have never really considered trying
IPL. I guess mainly due to the fact that a single treatment can cost upwards of $800 or more and you
have to keep going back again and again, each time draining your bank account completely.
However, now that the gods have invented an at home IPL treatment you can DIY, I am so there
and the results have been so good I cannot wait to share my experience with you, so here we go!
Firstly, let's take a look over this nifty little device which is surprisingly quite light when you think
about how much work it does! In your kit you will find everything you need to get you started on
your journey to smooth hair free skin where ever you want on your body. The BaByliss Home Light
Connected can be used ANYWHERE on your body! From your legs, under arms, on your arms,
bikini and your full on brazilian area to your face, eyebrows, upper lip, cheeks, chin, etc!
Left to Right - Detailed (and very helpful & handy!) instruction booklet, Power cord,
Protection googles and red laser cover which goes on the end of the Babyliss where the intensely
strong light comes out!

Over the past six months I have been logging and keeping track of my hair removal sessions each
fortnight with the convenient and easy to use Babyliss IPL phone app! The app is designed to help
guide you through the whole process and will also remind you when you're due for your next session!
So handy for me or I'd surely forget!

The IPL has set settings 1-5 with one being the most gentle and recommended to begin with or if you
have sensitive skin or fine hair. Then as you go higher, as you would expect the pulse becomes more
intense and slightly painful, however don't get scared just yet, I promise you it isn't anywhere near the
pain you might be thinking. I would say I have about medium to course hair and I predominately
stuck on the 3-4 pulse setting (after beginning on the recommended first setting and not feeling
anything at all I quickly stepped it up a notch or two!) and it doesn't feel much more then a quick
annoying horse fly bite over and over again. In my opinion this is honestly less painful than using an
epilator or waxing.

Wearing the protective googles might look a bit funny, kinda like a super fly, however are 100%
essential to your safety as the IPL light is dangerously bright for the naked eye. Even with my eyes
closed I could clearly see the flashes through my eyelids! Not even kidding! Safety first. :)
As you can see after the first few sessions I look this picture to show the patches of bare skin on
my legs where the hair has already seemingly stopped growing! I couldn't believe the quick results
and quickly realised my poor technique in using the machine and not getting all the areas.

Practice makes perfect and after a few more sessions I got the hang of it and am noticibly seeing less
and less hair on not only my legs, but also under my arms, bikini line and even my big toe! (Yep hair
grows there too I'll admit it!) >_<
The first 4 treatments are conducted every fortnight with the time varying from 1-10 minutes
depending on the area of the body. After that it's recommended to keep up the treatments every
4 to 8 weeks until all the hair is gone.
Most of my hair has stopped growing now, however I do still see the odd stray every now and then
from places where I have missed and when I get time I get this nifty little device out again late at
night once the kids are all in bed and I zap away at them as I watch TV or catch up on watching
Youtube videos and emails.
So if you've ever thought about IPL but haven't had or wanted to spend that crazy amount of money
it costs to go to a salon for session after session, then I would highly, HIGHLY recommend going
and picking up your own at home private DIY IPL machine like this very affordable, easy to use
and top quality one by BaByliss. You will not regret it! The results for me have been HUGE and
such a worth while investment.
BaByliss currently have a 120 day trial offer, so if you're not 100% with the device you can get your
money back. (T's & C's apply!) It also comes with a 2 year warranty.
The BaByliss IPL is currently available to purchase right now here in Australia from The Shaver Shop, Target, David Jones and Myer for RRP $750!
Also check out the BaByliss IPL just for men here!
Have you ever tried the IPL hair removal method?
I would LOVE to hear about your experiences in the comments below!

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