If you've been up to date with my Instagram of Facebook, you will know that Sienna recently got a new 'baby', Baby Annabell*! It is her first proper baby doll and she has been loving it, she takes it with her everywhere and is so gentle and affectionate towards her, it's very cute!

This is the Baby Annabell learns to walk and it is very interactive. She can crawl by herself, walk holding your hands, have a tantrum, giggle when you 'tickle' her belly button (there is a button you press), open and close her eyes and make general baby babbling sounds.
I have made some videos so you can see exactly what she does...

I'm not going to lie and I think you'll agree, it's a little bit scary! When it starts crawling or moving, Sienna does get a little bit scared and start edging away from it although I think she is slowly getting used to it as she has asked a couple of times to make it crawl or walk.
It is aimed at 2 years and upwards and although Sienna is quite advanced, she isn't able to get the doll to walk or crawl herself, she does still need our help as it has to be in the right position to start moving. The doll itself is quite plasticy and it does creak quite a bit when the joints are moving. Sienna does quite like it as with all new toys but I do wonder how long it will last. It retails for around £50 and I don't think it is worth that at all, we wouldn't have bought it at that price that's for sure!
Does your little one have a baby Annabell? What do they think of it?
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