Hair & Beauty Magazine

Ayurvedic Herb – Kulanjan Part 2

By Tmomw

Hi Everyone,

Kulanjan RootKulanjan Root

As I have already mentioned in my previous post that I will be sharing some amazing benefits of this magical herb kulanjan and this will be in two parts. The last post summarizes the first part and this is the second and final part summarizing some miraculous health benefits of this herb.

(,,,,,,,,,,continued from previous post)

Health Benefits of Kulanjan:-

Kulanjan root dried
Kulanjan Root

Relieves Discomfort which caused by digestive problem

Galangal or kulanjan is a great source of dietary fiber and phytochemicals which help to increase the food mixing process inside the stomach. Consuming galangal in your diet can give a comfortable feeling to anyone who is suffering from the ulcer. It is further useful to prevent abdominal pain and anorexia. 2-3 g of powder is added with a glass of buttermilk or hot water and consumed to improve the appetite and treat case of indigestion

Get rid of sea and morning sickness

Chewing of galangal flesh is useful to cure motion sickness. It is the aromatic oil in galangal which can stimulate and calm the nervous system. Therefore it is useful for the pregnant woman who often experiences problems like morning sickness. Drink brewed galangal slices with honey mixed well in warm water.

Relieve from cough and sore throat

Galangal consumption is useful in many respiratory problems and is highly recommended for children who are suffering from whooping coughs. For people suffering from asthams take kulanjan powder (about 250 mg) with honey two times in a day (morning and evening and keep a gap of 10 hours)

Kulanjan Plant
Kulanjan Plant

Strengthens Immune System

Galangal consumption is good for a healthy immune system and the latest studies claim that it contains Anti-HIV properties too. Use it daily in your curries or stir fries, use it in the powder form, or decoction of the rhizome of Alpinia galanga

Reduces blood sugar level

Galangal and its extract consumption is a natural tonic if you are diabetic and want a significant decrease in your blood sugar level. Take an extract of kulanjan or decoction of the rhizome of Alpinia galangal.

Lowering Blood lipid and cholesterol

According to the latest studies conducted in China reported that galangal extract can potently inhibit fatty acid synthase. Galangal contains flavonoid which is supposed to inhibit the mechanism of fat synthesis. Also, the researchers of Korea has successfully proved that galangal extract significantly lowers cholesterol and Triglyceride. Use it daily in your curries or stir fries, use it in the powder form, or decoction of the rhizome of Alpinia galanga.

Preventing Heart Disease and Cardiovascular problem

Galangal consumption effectively reduces the cardiac contractions and cardiac output by raising the blood supply to the gastrointestinal system. In traditional ayurvedic medications, Galangal is often used as a drug against heart disease. In German-speaking countries such as Austria, Germany and also in Switzerland galangal is used as a home remedy for heart conditions. So, use it daily in your curries or stir fries, use it in the powder form, or decoction of the rhizome of Alpinia galanga

Kulanjan Root
Kulanjan Root

Relieves Asthma

In maintaining a healthy respiratory system Galangal can play an important role. Galangal an antispasmodic effect and reduces the sputum and successfully dilates the bronchioles. It is also recommended as a cure for speech defects such as stammering, aphasia, and dysarthria. For people suffering from asthams take kulanjan powder (about 250 mg) with honey two times in a day (morning and evening and keep a gap of 10 hours)

Cures Pimples

Pimple in ear can be very painful and if you are suffering then can get rid of by applying kulajan oil prepared by cooking a tablespoon of kulanjan in about 30 ml oil. Take a pan and heat the oil in it add kulanjan powder and let it sauté slightly for few minutes in very low heat so that it doesn’t get burn, switch off the gas when it starts turning dark. Let the oil cool down and strain the powder out. The oil is now infused with the kulanjan properties and can be used to get rid of any kind of zit.

Kulanjan Root
Kulanjan Root

Reduce urine disorders

Galangal can reduce the ability of urine production. This can be used as a treatment for polyuria and various other urine disorders. Kulanjan poder (3 gms) with coconut water help in urine problems. Also, to decrease the quantity of urine output, the powder or decoction of the rhizome of Alpinia galanga is consumed.

Increases Appetite

You can prefer Galangal over other medications to increase the appetite of your child. You can simply add it in your meal and it will be more tempting to be eaten. 2-3 g of powder is added with a glass of buttermilk or hot water and consumed to improve the appetite.

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