Food & Drink Magazine

Avocado Milkshake | Butter Fruit Milkshake

By Sona Narayanan @spillthespices
Avocado Milkshake | Butter Fruit Milkshake
How many of you knew that butter fruit that we get in India is actually avocado? Well, if you had asked me couple of years back I would have no idea. One of the good perks of food blogging is we get to learn so much more about food like new ingredients, recipes and cuisines. 
The other day while watching a Malayalam movie, there was a scene where the hero was relishing a tall glass of butter fruit milkshake. It brought back a wave of childhood memories. I love avocado - be it in a sandwich or as a dip. I always have avocado in stock when in season, but I don't know why I haven't made this milkshake before. The recipe is super simple - just blend avocado with some milk and sugar. You can add nuts like almonds or walnuts, make it more healthier bu substituting sugar with honey or other natural sweeteners or even banana, throw in some chia seeds or flax seeds - the list is endless. I followed the way it is made in the juice shops in India - only skipped the ice.
Avocado Milkshake | Butter Fruit Milkshake
Avocado itself is so creamy, so you don't need to add any ice cream. The milkshake tastes almost like a vanilla milkshake. So if you can get hand on avocado or butter fruit, try this delicious and healthy milkshake.
1 large avocado
2 1/4 cup cold milk
Sugar as required
1. Blend the avocado, milk and sugar until smooth. If the milkshake is too thick, add more milk and belnd again.
2.  Pour milkshake into glass and serve immediately.
Avocado Milkshake | Butter Fruit Milkshake
Notes and Tips
  • If milkshake is thick, add more milk and blend again.
  • Substitute sugar with honey or natural sweeteners.
  • You can use almond milk instead for a diary-free version.
Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit Avocado Milkshake Butter Fruit

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