New Look Day Dresses by kerrydyer03 featuring a front zipper dress
As Autumn and Winter approach, I am sure I'm not the only one wanting to revamp my wardrobe. I find A/W fashion can be harder to style for me, you can't just through on a pair of short and a vest and go. Maybe I over think it but I find layering up works well as I can't take things off if it does suddenly warm up or layer it up if it's cold, but all those layers need coordinating and it's hard enough for me to find one top, let a alone 3!
I'm normally a jeans girl in Winter but this year I want to make an effort to wear more dresses. I find casual day dresses, like my picks from New Look can be great for the A/W, they still look stylish but you can layer them up with tights, cardigans and jackets or coats which I find easier than 1000059 tops. I also think dresses are much more flattering on me now I'm a bit smaller, I like to accentuate my waist which all of these allow for. I've never had a jumper dress before now but I do love these ones I chose from New Look for just wearing round the house or doing errands on a cold, lazy day!
Do you like dresses in A/W? What's your favorite one I picked? Mine is definitely the tartan skater!