Tiararama on Autumn…

"Autumn" tiara design by Tiararama; Photography credit Hannah Duffy www.hannahduffy.co.uk
Tiararama’s bridal collections are inspired by the seasons. Suzanne explains why autumn is such an inspiration for her bridal designs:
“The thing I love about autumn is that it is a season of two parts….it starts off with the last throes of the summer’s warmth but has a wonderful golden hue to the light which stays with us up until the clocks go back and then we get that cold, dark excited feeling from bonfire night through to Christmas. It is an elegant, reflective time of year which replaces the warmth of the summer with a warmth of color.

Catherine Wheel - New tiara design for 2012 by Tiararama; Photography credit Hannah Duffy www.hannahduffy.co.uk
”Catherine Wheel is an elegant asymmetric double headband which develops our existing Catherine Wheel designs and adds a wonderful warmth and sparkle reminiscent of bonfire night”

Beau tiara design by Tiararama; Photography credit Hannah Duffy www.hannahduffy.co.uk
An elegant asymmetric Swarovski crystal bow with diamante encrusted center adds beautiful sparkle to any autumnal wedding – representative of the excitement and anticipation of tying the knot with your partner and Christmas

Tiara design by Tiararama; Photography credit Hannah Duffy www.hannahduffy.co.uk
Autumn Rose: a beautiful asymmetric tiara with a lovely warmth, fantastic for autumn weddings.
“I always wanted to get married in the Autumn and I always loved October half term as that was always around my Mum’s birthday so getting married a few days before then was just fab for me… the trees were golden, it was a beautiful sunny day with a bright blue sky and then it turned into a crisp evening and night. We had our honeymoon in Cape Cod and Boston – the perfect time of year to view the Fall. Beautiful colours and light – cold, sunny beaches, still silvery ponds…. ninja squirrels throwing nuts at us!”

Tiara design by Tiararama; Photography credit Hannah Duffy www.hannahduffy.co.uk
“Autumn Bouquet” is a wonderfully rich asymmetric designer tiara with warm Swarovski golden shadow crystals – ideal for weddings in the beautiful autumn light.
Discover Tiararama: http://tiararama.co.uk/Collections
All photographs above are by Hannah Duffy at www.hannahduffy.co.uk
The Wedding Calligrapher on Autumn…
“For me autumn turns the sunshine into something more precious: we huddle inside in our jumpers while it rains and blows, and then once in a while the sun comes out and everywhere has a golden glow to it – it feels magical. Outside the air smells fresh and going for a walk is a crispy, crunchy experience. Autumn makes me feel more alive, and the natural world becomes such a blaze of unexpected color I can’t help but feel inspired to create new designs in response.

Calligraphy by The Wedding Calligrapher
Our khadi paper rustic wedding place cards are torn by hand and written with a copperplate calligraphy nib. They sit beautifully on napkins and plates; we can punch holes and add ribbon ties for you too!

Calligraphy by The Wedding Calligrapher
The copperplate style of calligraphy is perfect for an autumn or winter wedding. Swirly, romantic, wonderfully indulgent for the calligrapher to write – and in a rich red ink to warm a luxurious wedding reception when it’s raining and blustery outside.

Calligraphy by The Wedding Calligrapher
Discover The Wedding Calligrapher: http://wedding-calligrapher.com