Audio Screenwriter Rowena Whaling
It is so hard for somebody to break into screenwriting. Unless you have access to a recording studio, it is very costly to record an audio book. Having access to a radio station that airs radio plays is rare these days. And yet Rowena Whaling is releasing an audio screenplay, New Orleans 1967 at the Pagan Unity Festival tomorrow starting at 9pm.
New Orleans 1967
It is a unique presentation of a 3+ hour audio book/screen play, which is acted in character, with an album's worth of original recorded music woven into its story. (songs by: Whaling & Dryden) Rowena invites you to Immerse yourself into the social and political turmoil, and the glory of New Orleans in the late sixties. And fall in love with "Honey". Are you in the Nashville area and want to come to the release party? Here is the link: you want to know more about the author? Click here: