Truth be told, I would have an anonymous pop music / misheard lyrics Tumblr if New Shoes in Town didn't exist. I'm telling you this now because A$AP Ferg is coming to town and this is some kind of countdown where I attempt to describe in pictures how I interpret some of his lyrics.
Let's start with the grossest song on Trap Lord. Dump Dump. I can remember the first time I heard this song. I was waiting for Run the Jewels (you know that Laneway side show that came to Wellington with Danny Brown and Earl Sweatshirt) to come on stage at James Cabaret and everybody started singing along to the hook and I just kind of stood there feeling a mix of disgust and OMG what is this stuff, I'll be googling this later.
When I realised what the song was about (which is pretty much Ferg and his mates taking the mickey out of a woman with a serious addiction, totally not okay by the way), I got over it and made this song a permanent fixture on my workout playlist. With a BPM of 134, it's pretty good for walking fast around Oriental Bay.
I started to question if Ferg's crew was really bilingual. Decide for yourself, read about it on Rap Genius . It got me thinking about what my bilingual fashion crew would look like. So far, we got two Dior girls, my number one Karl (number two is Dr Karl obvz) and the queen of wrap dresses DVF.
This is what my bilingual (maybe even multilingual) crew would look like.

image sources: Karl, Mila, Natalie, DVF