Humor Magazine

Arts Scene With Terry Cotter The Potter

By Gingerfightback @Gingerfightback

Arts Scene With Terry Cotter The Potter

Hello Folks

My name is Terry Cotter. I’m a Potter.

I have been potterising for nearly two decades now. I stock a wide range of ceramic goods in my shop down here in Lower Swell.

Here are some reviews of some of my favorite bits from the world they call “Art”.

1. Painting

The Mona Lisa - Da Vinci’s masterpiece - I too knew a girl called Lisa who moaned a lot.

The Original Version!

The Original Version!

Arts Scene With Terry Cotter The Potter

He Painted It – But Without A Yorkshire Pudding On His Head

2. Movies

Transformers – erm…..erm…..sorry……nope not a clue – why does it go on a bit?

3. Music

Beethoven’s 7th - it begins with; dum de dum dum dum de dum – goes on a bit thereafter.

4. Dance

The Nutcracker - Heavy hammed lads in tights and cod pieces go – PRANCE – PRANCE - LEAP! - Then thin birds in miniskirts go tippy toe -tippy toe – stand still – TWIRL!  - none of this has anything to do with nuts – which always confuses me.

PS What is a Potter’s favorite song?  Kiln Me Softly!

Village News

Whoever stole the Village notice board please return it.

Until next time……keep those wheels a spinning!


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