Humor Magazine

Arts Scene With Terry Cotter The Potter

By Gingerfightback @Gingerfightback
Arts Scene With Terry Cotter The Potter


My name is Terry Cotter. I’m a potter.

I have been potterising for over 20 years and stock a wide range of ceramic goods in my shop The Potter’s Reel, down here in Lower Swell. The shop is named after my potter’s wheel which goes round and round. Like a reel.

Our summer sale starts this week – 25% off all Charlton Heston and Diana Ross figurines! What a bargain.

Here are reviews of some of my favorite bits from the world they call “Art”.

1. Painting

Campbell’s Soup Cans - Warhol at his finest – I love soup, but not minestrone – the bits get stuck in my teeth.

2. Movies

The Bridge On The River Kwai – Obi Wan Kenobi sits in an oven for an hour, builds a bridge and then gets the right hump when it is blown up by sandal wearing William Holden - Goes on a bit.

3. Music

Scissor Sisters – Scissor Sisters - The proper name for it is Tribadism. I had to look it up. Many times. Goes on a bit but you’ll feel like dancing.

4. Ballet

Swan Lake  -  Lads with big thighs bounce around the stage for no apparent reason, whilst thin girls go tippy toe, tippy toe, tip tip tippy toe again for no apparent reason- Goes on a bit.

5. Literature

The Alchemist  - Paulo Coehlo’s  novel of  a young shepherd’s spiritual journey to Egypt in search of treasure. Basically it is The Mummy meets Babe - doesn’t go on for a bit (just imagine if it did…….).

Village News

Next week’s summer Fete will go ahead despite the Vicar’s lewd Bingo calling last year..

‘Til next time – The Wheel Keeps On Turning!


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