My name is Terry Cotter. I’m a potter.
I have been potterising for over 20 years and stock a wide range of ceramic goods in my shop The Potter’s Reel, down here in Lower Swell. The shop is named after my potter’s wheel which goes round and round. Like a reel.
For Valentine’s Day, I’ve made some Ceramic Clogs. One size fits all. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Not sure now.
Here are some reviews of some of my favorite bits from the world they call “Art”.
1. Painting
The Persistence Of Memory - Salvador Dali’s most famous piece. It Droops. Nope, not a clue. Sorry.
2. Movies
Love Story - Da de dah de dah – then she gets sick and croaks. Goes on a bit.
3. Musical
Les Miserables - Don’t know why they didn’t crack a few jokes or do animal impressions to cheer themselves up a bit. Rabbit impressions always make me titter. That’s the French for you. Goes on a bit.
4. Literature
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte’s classic. She loves him. He loves her. Watch out for the pyromaniac first wife! Goes on a bit.
Village News
Next Week’s lecture by Peter Stench on The History Of The Drain has been cancelled by Mrs Griggs. If you are not happy you can sewer.
‘Til next time – The Wheel Keeps On Turning!