Yasumi Ampules literally went around the world with me. There are over 12 different types of ampules in the Yasumi range. Each ampule can be used over three nights, so why around the world? I used different ampules in Poland, then traveling by air to Dubai. Then different ampules in Hong Kong where I live and where there is a totally different climate.
A few weeks ago, I took them to Japan where they have late spring time, again used them on the flight then during my stay in Kyoto, back to Hong Kong. Last week to Australia arriving at the beginning of their winter, a skin saver on every trip and every destination.

Around with world with Yasumi Ampules
The best part of this incredible range is that you can virtually use all of them. They fit any climate and can give your skin the boost it needs during and after a flight, a change in weather conditions are also perfect for Yasumi Ampules to work well for your skin. The serums are light, effective and absorb immediately into the skin.
Another part is that they are perfect for men, so if your partner needs a boost on their travels, or a good skin pick me up before that all important presentation, pop a Yasumi Ampule into your skincare regime.

Around with world with Yasumi Ampules
These little gems are the perfect global companion, I do like changing the type of ampule after each one is used. Usually when I have a serum, its one that will last a while but with these ampules your serum choice is not locked into one kind. Variety is good, and if you look deep into the Yasumi range you will find an extensive range of products.

Around with world with Yasumi Ampules
Yasumi was introduce to me on a recent media educational trip organized by The Polish Investment & Trade Agency. The next Yasumi product I am using at the moment is Yasumi Rice Face Cream, another product I have been using in Hong Kong and Australia, two totally different climates.
Zofia Bydałek -YASUMI
Founder and owner of YASUMI brand. In 2004, in the city of Kalisz, she opened the first in Poland YASUMI Health and Beauty Institute. Local success of this professional health and beauty studio gave start to a chain of over 70 points across Poland.
Around the world with Yasumi Ampules
With passion and engagement, she develops YASUMI cosmetic line and manages growth of the YASUMI company in Poland and abroad.