Entertainment Magazine

Ariel Pink and Jorge Elbrecht – “Hang On To Life”

Posted on the 13 July 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

artworks 000052449924 uj8off t500x500 300x300 Ariel Pink and Jorge Elbrecht   Hang On To Life

Here it is: the already much buzzed about collaboration between Violens member Jorge Elbrecht and art-pop weirdo Ariel Pink for a 7-inch on Mexican Summer.  If you haven’t heard it yet, go ahead now. I’ll wait… Pretty awesome right?  It’s got many of the signatures of Ariel Pink’s brand of lo-fi glam pop but is slightly more subdued, containing some of the lushness and smoothness of Violens.  Besides the kind of great hummable melodies that have solidified Ariel Pink’s name in modern indie, the song contains some great unexpected turns that make it really stick.  This includes lines like “you screwed the pooch now face it / the truth is in the sky” (is that really what he’s saying?) and a faux-candid phone conversation in the bridge.  Now go ahead and give it another listen because you want to.

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