Business Magazine

Are You Mentally Healthly?: People Skills

By Shawnaschuh
January 12, Chad and the surprise teeter totte...

Image by gwen via Flickr

Happy Friday!

Something a tad bit different this morning – it’s from Joseph Fetterman who wrote out 10 Mental Health Rules for us:

According the Fetterman – these are the things to do to have great mental health – and since mental and physical are connected – see how many you have or do – and how they fit both your mental, physical and emotional well being.

  1. Have a Hobby; Acquire pursuits what absorb your interest; sports and nature are best.

When you think sports as Fetterman suggests and even nature – the heart and body are involved – love of a game or an area and moving with the rhythm of either… what is your hobby?

  1. Develop a Philosophy; Adapt yourself to social and spiritual surroundings.

Jim Rohn, the business philosopher would be asked and ask others, “Where did you develop that philosophy?” and of course the person being asked didn’t have one – so what is your philosophy? Is it for service, or truth or learning?

  1. Share Your Thoughts; Cultivate companionship in thought and in feeling. Confide, confess, consult.

This is a favorite of mine – I coach and am coached – I have a mastermind and lead a brain trust – who are you in companionship with and do they challenge and inspire you?

  1. Face Your Fears; Analyze them; daylight dismisses ghosts.

When you face your fears – they look so much smaller than when you allow them to lurk behind or around you. Plus, time proves that most of the things we were more frightened of – had no chance of happening

  1. Balance Fantasy with Fact; Dream but also do; wish but build; imagine but ever face reality.

This one is a bit sticky – since many of us tend to do one more than the other and Fetterman is saying to balance them – and balance is one of those things that continues to be a challenge to most – usually because like all of life, things ebb and flow and when you are perfectly balanced you’re usually still – which isn’t life that is sustainable – so the dance is the thing and being aware

  1. Beware Alluring Escapes; Alcohol and barbitals may prove faithless friends.

Beware is the word I’m focusing on – because awareness is the key to any growth and all choice – changing beware to be-aware is what I would add to this

  1. Exercise; Walk, swim – muscles need activity.

Simply good advice!

  1. Love, But Love Wisely; Sex is a flame which uncontrolled may scorch; properly guided, it will light the torch of eternity.

Here Fetterman is focused on the intimate kind of love and for those people who have a lover – what a gift and flame.

  1. Don’t Become Engulfed in a Whirlpool of Worries; Call early for help. The doctor is ready for your rescue.

Once I heard a preacher suggest that someone who worries really doesn’t believe in God – shocking words really – however if we think about it – what will worry give you? Do you think you have the power to change life things like weather or others feelings?

  1. Trust in Time; Be patient and hopeful time is a great therapist.

As I’ve gotten older I think I understand this better – as I have less time in my life – I’m more willing to give more time to wait for what is right. So I’m trusting in time more and more and it works – because the opposite of trust is not how I want to live.

These 10 rules – or I think more like guides – are a gift and on a friday – a perfect way to reflect on your week and how you’re living your life – what might you shift, alter, do in a better way going forward?

Friday funny – a bit of silly (really silly) country humor for you on this end of week day

A farmer was milking his cow. He was just starting to get a good rhythm going when a bug flew into the barn and started circling his head. Suddenly, the bug flew into the cow’s ear. The farmer didn’t think much about it, until the bug squirted out into his bucket. It went in one ear and out the udder.

You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!

Go make it a Magnificent Day!

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