Today we have another great quote on manners from George Bernard Shaw who said,
“The test of a man’s or woman’s breeding is how they behave in a quarrel.”
This got me to thinking – how am I in an argument or quarrel?
Am I fair, do I listen, am I kind?

Payment for quarreling?
One thing I’ve come to realize is that in the past I’ve been hurtful when I am hurt – and recognizing that helps me be less so.
Also – listen to what I’ve just said, “In the past I was…” this means I’m putting that behind me and then I can state, “Now I am…” and for me it means I choose to be kind and considerate regardless of the situation.
This has taken me a long time and sometimes I find I slip however when my intent is to be kind, I find I am kind and think kindly of others more and more.
What about you? How are you in a quarrel? Are you happy with your answer?
You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!
Go make it a Magnificent Day!
Blessings, Shawna