Meet For Hot Cocoa (Or A Hot Toddy) At The Firepit...
I'll admit, when I began accompanying le Monsieur and his family on their annual ski vacation some twenty-five years ago, I was a little intimidated. First, I'd never skied. And I was also self-conscious about my lack of what I imagined would be appropriate clothing for a posh ski resort.
I've since learned to ski well enough to enjoy myself on the easy runs, and with regard to resort style...pffft. It's all about warmth and comfort. Sure, there are those people who look like they just stepped out of the Gorsuch catalog, but most venues are casual, and you see as much Patagonia and North Face as Moncler. For people like us who live in a warm climate and only ski every year or two, it doesn't make sense spend a lot on ski and cold-weather wear.
But my (very) old favorite après-ski sweater was nowhere to be found when we pulled the boxes of ski clothes down from the attic last weekend, so I've treated myself to something new. (Ok, so I'm not immune to a little Alpine Charm. Or kitsch.) And I also )did pick up a pair of warmer tech gloves.
Do you ski? What's your favorite ski destination?
More Après-ski Style (Whether You Ski Or Not...)

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