Dear Readers:
I’m still on the road, but wanted to share some images from the SIP! Classic 2018 wine competition I helped judge in McMinnville, OR. on January 20th, 2018.

SIP McMinnville Wine & Food Classic invades the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum March 9, 10, & 11, 2018, for a sterling 25th anniversary event. This festival brings together small independent producers of Oregon wine, beer, liquor, food, and art for three days of tasting, toasting, and raising funds for St. James School in McMinnville.
" data-orig-size="2048,2048" title="SIP! Classic Wine Competition 2018 Montage" data-image-title="SIP! Classic Wine Competition 2018 Montage" data-orig-file="" style="width: 346px; height: 346px;" itemprop="" height="346" width="346" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="346" alt="SIP! Classic McMinnville 2018 wine competition brought together 120+ wines, 11 judges, and countless volunteers under one roof. Images: ©L.M.Archer" data-original-width="346" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1516441315","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-large-file="" /> SIP! Classic McMinnville 2018 wine competition brought together 120+ wines, 11 judges, and countless volunteers under one roof. Images: ©L.M.Archer
Chef Christopher Czarnecki is a 4th generation restaurateur and chef. The Joel Palmer House specializes in mushrooms and Oregon pinot noir.
Joel Palmer was one of Oregon’s preeminent pioneers who left Indiana in 1845; Dayton was named for one of his friends.
This highly popular food and wine extravaganza takes place April 9,10, & 11th at Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum.
Personal fave: The once-in-a-lifetime after-party at Joel Palmer House in Dayton. Hosts Chris and Mary Czarnecki opened their kitchen, cellar and hearts to SIP! Classic wine competition judges and volunteers with staggering generosity of spirit. Much mushrooms and Oregon pinots served, and even more memories made.
So honored to participate!
Learn more about SIP! McMinnville here.
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