Social Media Magazine

Apple & Facebook: Threats to Internet Freedom

Posted on the 17 April 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u

Sergey Brin: Apple and Facebook threat to Internet freedom In an interview with the Guardian, co-founder of Google Sergey Brin warns that Internet freedom is increasingly threatened by the presence of Facebook and Apple. He mentions that they are trying to starkly restrict the openness of the Internet. He also said that Apple and Facebook are stopping innovations of others.

'You have to play by Their rules, the which are really restrictive. The kind of environment That We developed Google in, the reason That we were Able to develop a search engine, is the web was so open. Once you get too many rules That will stifle innovation. '

Indeed what he is saying is in the interest of Google. If Facebook and Apple share information openly, then Google will also be able to access and study who the opponent is. As of now, Facebook still dominates the social networking scene and has more than 4 time the number of users  Google+. Apple remains one of the most valuable companies in the world, and is still a major competitor of Google in terms of tablets and smart phones. In addition, he also complains that Facebook users have a difficult time moving their data from Facebook to other social networks. Ultimately these points do lead us to wonder if our online freedom is being restricted by these social network and tech giants.

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