Food & Drink Magazine

Apple & Blackcurrent Bear Paws

By Meowitserin
These have quickly become a staple part of my diet because of how delicious they are, how low in calories they are and, just how cute they are! Because come on, how can you not love these little paw shaped fruit bites!? The natural fruit flavor really shines through, it is easy to distinguish between the two flavours and they are easily identifiable rather than just merging into a single flavour, a problem that is frequent amongst most products claiming to have several flavours... Overall they made for a tasty treat containing only natural sugars. Okay I know that they are aimed at children, but you know what, they taste absolutely delicious and I am not ashamed to eat them! So stand tall and embrace you inner child with these healthy, fruity, cutie paws! Apple & Blackcurrent Bear Paws

Rating - 9/10Vegan - Yes Calories - 54Buy Again - Already bought another ten packs...

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