Good Morning :)
- Saturday, January 21, 2017 @ 7:52 am Just wanted to start with a sparkly note. I saw this quilt yesterday and thought it HAD to be my opening picture. Pshwoo! It's a beauty! It's sparkly in all the right ways. It's from a collection at Hoffman Fabrics. It's called, "When Bali Met Sochi quilt pattern," and was designed by Linda Ambrosini. WOW! Very cool. Quilting has expanded so much since my Grandmother's time. I wonder if she'd be into these at all, or if she would say something, like "You know Ann Marie, I'm just fine with the way quilts are normally quilted." She could do that too, but I think in her heart of hearts - she'd see the beauty in the newer ones too. The pattern in this one is simple, it is just the color blending that is so beautiful. Oh man! Free quilt pattern too! http://www.hoffmanfabrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/REV-Bali-Sochi-Quilt-Pattern.pdf It includes a list of all the fabrics they used here. I LOVE that when they do it ... Wishful thinking ahead 😉
- Ok, better move it on. Well, we are into a Saturday morning and all is as it should be by 8 am.
- Hmm, somehow now it's 9:46 am. Better write down the last few things. There are two links ... I just remember now though the last link - though old that we read on Evernote ... here. http://www.inc.com/magazine/201112/evernote-2011-company-of-the-year.html It is a good review on the history of the guy who created it - Lebin, and we're thinking now that we have to get something 6 years newer. Wow! They were excellent in 2011? I'm thinking though we knew about the company back like toward 2008-9. We came into it about the time it was connecting with the Russian company and being able to read writing within pictures. We thought that was fascinating. As things slip in and out ... we've come in and out of it ... had stuff from 2011 back when we started more aggressively last years, but as we mentioned a day or two ago, we lost track for about 3 months. Says, the authors though - they show a high rate of people who do drop it, will come back to it. It's not the product that goes poor, it is that people get caught up in other things and wait to refind it when they realize they need order again in their life. It's like with the product - it's like the phoenix.
- But, for the time being, we are back into Evernote. We still have a long way to go in using it all the time at full benefit, but I do like writing here. We had tried writing in co-schedule, but we found the overall package much more fun here. Like if we waiver from one thing to another, we're more likely with Evernote to come back to something productive. We have been trying the last couple days being here, and then later copying over to Evernote. They have a button now that lets you preview. We also have to copy over to Blogger. It seems that we're editing the last time in Blogger, so if we get a final copy, we can post to co-schedule, that posts to Facebook, twitter, and some other social medias. Then in the preview window, we know we are good when it comes back to Evernote with the orange Blogger background (for our Anns Multiple World of Personality blog).
- Sunday, January 22, 2017 @ 7:25 am Morning. The note from yesterday was so short, we figured we might as well combine and make a weekend entry. Surprise! Here we are again! It appears that we've been up for about 2 1/2 hours. Rich asked that we wake him an hour ago, but he was stubborn getting out of bed, so we left him sleep. Maybe we should try waking him again? I know he needs the sleep, but also know he wanted to get in his fishy time watching the TV updates. We woke him up but he was saying something about making his coffee and then it was like NOOO. Didn't do that, but you were supposed to get up an hour ago. He he was late, but my way of figuring is ... how late can you be on a Sunday morning!?? In the meantime, we took our medicine, fed the dog, and then got on our robe and Linda's warm socks. I guess it wasn't THAT warm so as NOT to be having socks/robe. sigh
- We were just talking to another Multiple that we've met (just met) through facebook ... hehe ok, then things moved on ...
- @1:18 pm I'm not sure all of what's happened, but we're finally getting back to the computer. I don't know how we can just lose so much time. To our credit though, there was some work with Rich earlier, before lunch. We did forget to take our 11 am medicine til about 12:15 pm so we got a little grouchy, but we were feeling it out loud enough to know it was happening, and then we really focussed on getting past it. I remember last grabbing the chair in the kitchen because Rich and us both make our lunch there and I wanted to get it first! But, then he said we could have the last two pieces of pizza - so we grabbed it, and then gave him his chair back. He usually eats his lunch at the counter too. He's pretty cool. Hmm, just focussed for a second ... Rich turned on CNN news with his lunch. We must have been ignoring it ... just heard Kellyanne Conway - and then it aggravated us - so we're trying to let it go again. Just seems to be so many problems. They are trying to blame everything on the media. Ok, let's move on
- Need to try focussing on something different. Hmm, I know ... there was some work that got done this morning. Rich helped us. He dragged over the last box to be put away in the kitchen which was almost ALL our glasses. We've found by some amount of organization - we unwrapped them all ... that we have 12 wine glasses - don't know if they are for white or red, then 8 lower wine glasses that are cut fancy from my mother, and then 6 margarita glasses. Then the rest of the glassware is mostly the red glasses - with a few clear glasses. They are of a collection that has the bubble feet. There are about 60 glasses 12 different sizes, with some just a few per size and others a full dozen. I'm thinking that the first three sets of clear glasses will go in the new cabinet WITH the alcohol - mostly left overs from New Years Eve, and then the red glasses will get stacked in the glass cabinet on the pass through china cabinet (small) on the living room size. I think we're just going to get them washed today, but probably won't put those up until after Jeff gets the lights up in that cabinet. It's a change on the table though, because we put everything else away that had been on the table.
- The other thing we did was to sweep the pantry, laundry room, kitchen, dining area, and the office area. Rich got the master bedroom and living room vacuumed, and that's about all we got to today. I was happy that something happened positive. I think Rich wants to go out and do something with his fishy tackle boxes too, so I'm not sure how much else he will do. There was word that he was going to vacuum the sitting room and sunroom, but I don't think those are so necessary. It's about 1:30 pm so maybe he'll get out to do the outdoors part while there is some more light. It's in general though a darker day.
- The other news of the day? We're going to see a movie tonight. I think we decided with Rich that we'd see "Hidden Figures," at 7 pm. We'll probably take a shower closer to that time. BUT, we should figure out what to do next. We did a light load of dishes and that's still going. We will take that out as soon as they cool though and get some of the glasses in. Our dishwasher takes forever even on the light loads! I need to figure out what to do next though ... it has been a really long lunch period. Maybe I will catch Rich - he seems to be moving now. I will want to find out what he does next. We told him we were so grateful that the pumpkin was gone, that we took all requests off his table. Hehe.
- Ok, seriously now ... we have to wait for the dishwasher. Maybe ... hmm, what? We could volunteer to vacuum the last two rooms - bedrooms are ok ... while Rich does the hard parts of the bathroom. Not sure if he's going to do that part though. I know, I know. What do I do anyway? I have to admit, not as much as we used to. I'm a bit embarrassed by it, but the fact is that when you can only move 5-6 minutes at a time ... things don't get done in abundance. Oh, I remember, I told him we'd clean the tables and dust the living room. I don't think there's much there though, because we can't move the sitting room stuff, until the big dining table clears off, but then that has the glassware. Hmm. I guess the best solution is to stack what we can in the box we were storing it in before, then it will be easier to get over to the big table when it is clear and there are NO people moving around the house, but Rich and us.
- We do have a couple dates coming up in February. On Saturday, February 11th in about 3 weeks, we will have our next quilting event, and then the following weekend Friday, February 17th through Monday the 20th, we will be getting Austin to come over. I don't want to get into that too much, but we are extremely happy to have him back. So, I guess in framing things in, it would be really wonderful to wonder how long it will take to get the art quilt done. I don't know if I wrote this yet, I don't think so, but we did hear from Jeff yesterday. He decided not to work on Saturday, but to just drop in and talk things over. He says, he would like to come back on Tuesday and put in a day finishing things, though he is talking about certain things still needing to be done by some of the other contractors. He says he'll coordinate that. He also says that George, the tile guy, will be coming by Tuesday as well, and he might start as soon as Wednesday with the tile project. I don't think that will really take more than a day or two. Jeff says that George is very quick and efficient. So that is cool. We've been waiting so long to finish and it might even be next week. I told Jeff, we would get out the list and go through it with him next week to assure that everything is covered. There is one "plastic-like" strip that we - Rich and Us we, that neither of us like. It is a dark strip on a medium dark wall and a light light green wall, so it shows up pretty ugly. We'll ask him to change that out. Otherwise, things are going pretty well.
- I think the whole purpose of that last paragraph was to get to the point of figuring out time so that we could get the art quilt done. BTW, Jeff said, he would get an estimate by Tuesday on how much it will cost to do the living room and the sitting room. I probably explained too much with the money, but what happened happened. Basically, with my mother's trust, we have to take out some money each year to do with inheriting and IRA. So, that is the money we plan to do the next two rooms with. I'd REALLY love it if there were enough to also get the breezeway done, but that's stretching things. Just after you start, you really want to zip along with it ... well NOT the part of having people and messes in the house all the time, but the part where everything looks really nice.
- AHA! We do like the doctored sprite! We had had leftover Sprite from the NYE party, but Rich reminded me of how much sugar we were drinking, so we told him we'd try the "zero" stuff. We just opened a can and it seems fine. AND, we found Rich when we put away an odd suitcase that had ended up in our office area after the last quilting event. It was empty, and just a quick run, but that is done now. I cleared off everything from our desk - dishes/drinks, and we put a few things garbage away. The dishwasher is in its dry cycle. So we'll let that happen. Ahh Rich is here, hold on ... better see what's going on there!
- 2:40 pm Hmm, back. We'll see how this goes. We just emptied, and then filled the dishwasher with all the wine glasses. I put it on light, so we're hoping they don't bounce around in there. It has to actually wash though because those glasses had been hanging where dust could get on them. Somehow stickier dust than not. So they are going to go through a full cycle, just light. I got them all in - some above and some below. We still have all the red glasses, but we'll see if I break all my wine glasses first. If they can't go through the dishwasher though, I don't want them. We did talk to Rich for a bit, and he moved a few things off the table out in the sunroom that belonged in the cabinet above the dishwasher. Also with a little prodding, he brought in all the alcohol bottles. Not much there, but some.
- AHA! We're back again. We got out our new"er" step stool and moved over a few more glasses. So, in the new cabinet, we put the three loose wine glasses (other nine in the dishwasher), and we put in our drink mixer/with plastic stir sticks, and we put in the two beer glasses, and the shot glass thing. Then we put in JUST the nine clear clawfoot glasses - three medium size, and six smaller size. The extra glasses, went to the top that will go with the dishwasher glasses and the rest fit on the right side (bottles on left side I think we only had 8 bottles. 😃 We're not real lushes, but now, for the first time, we have an official liquor cabinet! Pretty sure one of our special guests are going to notice that. I'm going to clear off the counter below that too, so we can wash it off and it will only be for our crystal oblong bowl, we use to put Dakota's dog treats. Oh yeah, that's an important space! I have to remove some of the tiles and the electrical plates. I hate when they leave that kind of thing around. This weekend it's about reclaiming some space! We found a place to put Rich's extra water too. He uses store bought for the coffee in the am, but I don't want a plastic jug sitting on my new counter. They are REALLY cleared off! Just a few more things I have to find homes for. Oh, and we put our few little statues back on the window sill. They better not get knocked off when they are working here on Tuesday. I want my space back!
- AND, the NEXT space, we want back??? We want our sunroom back. It has a little garbage, but mostly the contractors things. If it's our stuff, it's stuff going out to the garage, if not the garbage. I'm claiming space! Hehe - Feels so mischievous! Rich doesn't want to move in our crock pot, but that's coming in too and going under the cupboard, and a good deal of liquid will go back in the fridge after Rich cleans it out. We might get more snow and freezing temps, but we're hoping ... well, maybe I won't put it all in the fridge, just in case, we might want to move it back inside. BUT, we're getting close that I don't want stuff ON TOP of the little fridge. It's kinda funny ... Rich and us are now bidding for space. I like things cleared off. AND, I like it that way so, I can clean them off easy. Rich said he cleared off the counter, but then instead of arguing, we just went over and gave it the white glove test (well on our finger), and YUP YUP YUP ... it came up powdery - so bad, in fact, that Rich couldn't argue. I keep telling him not to argue with EVERYthing I say. I'll say something, and then he'll say, "no," and then whatever he then argues. We're telling him, if he starts with, "no...," then it already means he's disagreeing. It's getting ridiculously bad. More on that later, we have a lot to figure out.
- 3:04 pm Now, we have the dishwasher gently washing, the house all picked up ... maybe we should get our 3 pm medicine, and then work on the next thing. Maybe, it is a good time to jump in the shower? We figure, we'll wash clothes tomorrow, since worker people won't be here until Tuesday. We might do the shower, then come back out and make sure there isn't any other clutter on the counter. Hmm. We do have a problem though. We got the new shampoo and conditioner, but the bottles are super huge. We have to tip some into the new containers into the older containers. We asked Rich if he could help us with that because they are so big and bulky. We told him we had four hours before our show to take his time. And, then we moved on. BUT, nicely, he got up to do it, so we're being happy. In the meantime, we got every other thing that didn't belong on my counters OFF my counters. Now, we just have to go over and wipe them all down. I love that part, because we love our new counters. I don't think our counter where the bar is has ever been cleaned-up. Just Dakota's bone's sitting there. It is going to look pretty.
- We talked to Rich a little about my houses today too, but he said, we have to decide, but we KNOW, that as soon as we do it one way, he's going to change it up to a way he thinks looks better. We have to wait for them to finish the work, but it is getting close. We just don't know whether we should keep them closer together like in a city, or whether we should spread them out like rural. We'll figure it out after we get them all together, I suppose and count all the pieces compared to cupboards. Rich said we'll get plenty to add, but we just went on for a while that we only got one last year and that's not the same as plenty! No, we don't want to get into the part where if we lose so many pounds, we get another house. Grrr... That wouldn't be a good idea!
- Then we have to decide what we're going to do with the cupboard space underneath. Rich is suggesting books and we thought on that for awhile, but we already have two tall bookshelves in the room. We would want it, if anything, for special books, and then we remembered that we didn't really like our old coloring station, because it was behind the door, and up on a shelf, behind the garbage and spare bags. After that, it went to the table by Rich and my rocking chair. That was clunky, so it went to a space on top of the old treadle sewing machine, but that's no good either! It's already clunky enough with picture books that aren't working for our needs. We got them two Christmases ago. Hmm. What next? Let's talk about making the area for coloring. Just the books and pencils, and maybe some erasers and sharpeners? Hmm. We have some other things that might fit too. Some other art mediums like chalk and paintbrushes for the watercolor pencils. Hmm, need to use the washroom. We might check that out. I'm starting to like it. It be good for me AND Isa to have them in a place that could be pulled out easily. We did clear off the fridge of the older pictures we'd colored - you know the Christmas book pictures. AND, we left up - though with a few more magnets, but we left up our new chart with all the prisma colored circles showing the color wheel going black to white and everything inbetween.
- We're trying to destress ourselves again ... you know Rich. I'm handling that the creme rinse was harder than I had even thought. It's slow going down the funnel. But, then, he gets up, takes the fruit bowl out of the fridge, and then leaves it on the counter BY the shampoo, but then he sits down. The real point is that we told him, "WE JUST CLEANED OFF all those counters, and now you are going to leave that big old bowl on top of my counter???!! I know I hadn't gotten to the last scrub, because we had to sit down after the last up, but still ... there is a point to be made. If someone spends her whole day trying to make the kitchen better, shouldn't you not fuck her up!?? Oh Lordy. Ok, you knew what happened next. Yes, we went right in and took our 3:30 pm medicine. Ok, that's the "MY" part of things. We're a little MORE likely to go unhinged about the time we need to take our medicines. Done. Got that. Slowing down. As soon as he's done for SURE, we'll go take our shower. Then, we committed to the part where when we come out and are dressed AND my counters are WASHED OFF, THEN I will clear off the coffee table. I think the red glasses are going to sit on the table until after Tuesday. I don't want to put them in the cupboard and then have Jeff come in and knock them down putting my lights in there.
- Hmm, a new truce ... He DID for the sake of our panic attack go back for another piece of fruit AND THEN put the bowl away, and he said it's going to take a long time and I might as well take what's there right now. That's really tempting. I think we'll go set it up and then come out and wipe the counters, and THEN go back for our shower, and THEN if it's not dinner time, we will start moving the coffee table art fabrics back into a box. AND, THEN! We'll either eat or we'll get ready to go to the movies. Did I say yet, we are going to watch, "Hidden Figures." We might come back to write/post, or we might not. Not sure. Ok, plans set ... we gotta go!