" Capture - notes of the appointment w/ Dr. Marvin " Capture - Notes from Dr. Dorman and Amie - the nurse

07-21-17 Word - still trying to put things together - prepare for MauryOk, we’re back. Everything is added … we’re at 12:06PM. It didn’t take too long. I’m going to have to go back and skim it now to make sure nothing is out of sort TOO BAD!@ 12:24PM We’re back … I KNOW … BACK AGAIN! It’s a very choppy entry today. We’ve got about a half hour before we go to the podiatry appointment. Everything there should be good. Amie says the foot is looking better, and we’re just checking-in to assure that everything is ok. Amie got us a special “shoe” yesterday, but we can’t where it to the doctor’s office, because it shouldn’t be used to drive the car. It is good around the house, or when riding with Rich. Again, by the time we get home about 4PM, Maury should be here, and then Rich should be here an hour or two after that. I don’t think we can go through details of what had happened with all the material above. We are satisfied, that we’ve pulled-it together, as much as possible. SO, we are caught-up, with the exception that several of the things we had written about, we’re only partial accounts. We were switching from thing to thing without expressing the entire story, and Austin was here, so we were trying very hard to put things aside, so it wouldn’t interfere with his appointment.Austin, did catch-up on a short-hand version, and we remember telling him his mother would understand, because we thought this was the kind of thing she helped people with in her line of work. That was our way of concluding that conversation. Basically, this is normal stuff for people who have been abused. And, that we’d been triggered, and then went through countless flashbacks, but then ESPECIALLY, through Dr. Marvin, started working immediately through it in an assertive manner. Basically, we needed to get control over our narrative – what we were going to do … ESPECIALLY, to help parts of us who had become suicidal. Not when Austin or Maury were here, but we weren’t promising any safety with Dr. Marvin over the weekend.Since, we’ve calmed down quite a bit. It’s written in shorthand up above, but when we called the police where this had all happened, we didn’t get far. They have no record of the situation. We knew when we were at Mayo, BJ had a police officer come to his door. He told us that. But, most likely because we did NOT press charges (again out of love for BJ), whether misguided, or not, we did not press charges. We went through a LONG stay after the assault staying at Mayo Hospital, in Rochester MN in the psych unit. We were severely depressed and suicidal, and went through from what we were told – six procedures of ECT – electroconvulsive therapies. We’ll perhaps, explain more of that later, but the big deal was in talking to Dr. Marvin, to get ALL of us safe until, we at LEAST see Dr. Marvin in his office on Tuesday, 07-25-17. We’re much safer now than even talking to Dr. Marvin yesterday at 2PM. Again, things are calming down – I BELIEVE, because we are being very assertive and supporting seriously the parts and our WHOLE who has gone through something triggered by BJ’s note. I’m sure in his own way, he did not mean any harm. I don’t think he understands what happened. Dr. Marvin, said the word, “oblivious.” We thought through his knowledge that we’d be with our boys this week, that he had been reading our blog. That was part of our panic. We thought, we’d lose access to writing, to keep ourselves safe, but since then – AGAIN, ESPECIALLY through Dr. Marvin, we’ve regained ground. We decided that whether BJ is reading this blog, we were going to stay true to our nature, and like each day we write, we are just explaining our situation and experiences, and our decisions.Back to the police, nothing to be done there … it’s a wiped slate. Next, we called the local hospital, because we had to use it due to suicidal ideation – NOT related to BJ while we were in MN. BUT, they stated that if nothing happened within seven years, the slate was wiped clean and they destroyed records.The next call was to this wonderful woman at the Mayo Clinic. She found our records that were written while staying at the psych ward, and with the Doctor Reese, who was doing our follow-up, until we left MN and came back toward Chicago. We had a job waiting for us in Chicago, an apartment Rich and us had found, and we had an appointment the first day before we started our 12 years with St. Rose, with our current Dr. Marvin. Again, it’s been 18 years, and he’s seen us ever since.The wonderful woman at Mayo said, she could fax all the records from that time to Dr. Marvin for us by Tuesday at 1PM when we were going to have our next Dr. appointment. Rich called back. He wanted to make sure I knew that I knew about Spicer. Yup knew! And, HE didn’t know that Dana Bash had talked directly to Sean, who contacted her to say that he left to clear a path for the next person. That’s good enough for me. Sean took a lot of beating, particularly through his boss. Dipshit!Ok, sorry, didn’t mean to say that … it just came out.I’m going to have to get going, just want to finish my last thought. Let me think.I guess the last thing, I will say, is that it was very important for us to listen to the parts who felt so devastated, even after all these years. AND, it was important for us to be assertive with Dr. Marvin and the calls back to MN. We admit, that we’d been through heavy psychiatric care, and it is important to us now, while we’re better able, to understand what had happened during that time. We want to get past it. A simple note from BJ, shouldn’t put us into emergency care. I am pretty sure, he didn’t mean anything. But it is scary and threatening to us nonetheless. That’s it. Gotta go!