Self Expression Magazine

Anti-Rape Rape-axe Device – A Women’s Best Friend

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

536825 253413554762408 958643109 n 300x206 Anti Rape Rape axe Device   A Womens Best Friend


I was rather interested to read about a South African doctor who has very cleverly developed a new female condom that she hopes will combat rape in the most painful way possible. Painfil indeed as this new female device that is inserted has jagged hooks that latch onto a man’s penis during penetration.

Anti-Rape Rape-axe Device

Dr. Sonnet Ehlers is distributing 30,000 of these condoms in South Africa during this year’s World Cup.

“It hurts,” Ehlers told CNN. “He cannot pee and walk when it’s on. If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter.”

I don’t know about you but I think this is something that should be available around the world.

Why should women be the target of such a despicable crime? Who the hell gives a man the right to rape? If it tears his shaft apart then to me that’s the first of the lesson learned, raped is painful.

Rape affects women much more than just physically, the mental torture and emotional effects last a life time. I think this device sends out a very clear message, that rape is never acceptable and we as women are starting to fight back.

Ehlers shockingly explained how women had taken extreme measures such as placing razor blades in their nether regions to prevent rape in South Africa.

Rape-axe is inserted like a tampon and when embedded to a man the device can only be removed by a doctor. Which is fantastic as he is caught red handed for what he is, a monster. What excuse can he give? Oh she wanted it but then ouch she clasped her jagged hooks on me?

Tell me what do you think of this new anti-rape device?

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By John
posted on 31 October at 18:56
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Great invention. Miss Ehlers told me it's still under development, and is looking for investors.