LGBTQ Magazine

Another Day, Another Man Appropriating Women's Lives For The Lulz

By Nick Chaleunphone @Kamododragoon

Another Day, Another Man Appropriating Women's Lives For The Lulz Reblogged from ann tagonist:

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This is Mary, a sixty-something year old man who took it upon himself to join an explicitly woman-only feminist Facebook group. Admittedly, the group is open to anyone who claims to experience oppression based on the fact that they identify as a woman (whatever that means) but a man Mary's age should know that doesn't mean him. Here is Mary's introductory post in the group:

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Those are Men and will always be men no matter what they put on. Biology will always trump over what they say or think. If you think this is what goes on in Women's only groups, just wait until they pull the same crap on Intersex people as well. This entry was posted in intersex. Bookmark the permalink.

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