Lifestyle Magazine

Annette and Darren’s Beautiful Intimate Wedding on the Isle of Wight

By Claire

I also adore their big day because they included fam­ily in a big way. Annette told me, “our mar­riage means more to us than the com­ing together of our cou­ple, it is also the com­ing together of the two sides of our fam­ily”. I think that’s magical.

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (3)

Of course there’s also a fab­u­lous cake, Annette’s dress is amaz­ing and she’s such a beau­ti­ful bride. The images by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Jason Mark Har­ris are ever so lovely — and Annette and Dar­ren have been kind enough to share their wed­ding story with us all today. I know you’ll love it!

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Annette and Dar­ren — you make a gor­geous cou­ple and you have the cutest fam­ily ever! Wish­ing you every hap­pi­ness in your new lives together — thank you for allow­ing us all to enjoy your wed­ding blog today! Claire xxx

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (1)

An inti­mate wed­ding with fam­ily, on the Isle of Wight — Annette and Darren

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (4)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (5)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (6)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (7)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (8)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (9)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (10)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (11)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (12)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (13)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (14)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (15)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (16)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (17)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (18)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (19)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (20)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (21)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (22)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (23)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (24)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (25)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (26)

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony

The Pri­ory Bay has a very wel­com­ing atmos­phere and the cer­e­mony took place in their Liv­ing Room. That room has a grand country-house feel about it, yet the setup was very infor­mal as instead of the usual rows of chairs, the sofas and arm­chairs were used to face the front of the room.

We wanted a small cer­e­mony and only invited 23 of our clos­est friends and fam­ily. Darren’s twin sons, Harry and George (17) were ush­ers, and my daugh­ters Emily (7) and Olivia (5) were my flower-girls. We made up with other friends and extended fam­ily by hold­ing a big party two weeks later!

Dar­ren spent the pre­vi­ous night at The Boathouse, a local pub & guest house with his best man. They were joined by a few friends for a very civilised ‘stag’ evening and Harry and George arrived in time for a full Eng­lish break­fast before don­ning their finest in the morn­ing. Before hop­ping onto the gor­geous Vin­tage Bus to go to The Pri­ory Bay Hotel, the boys enjoyed a fun photo-session, in true ‘Reser­voir Dogs’ style!

Every­one else met at our house in St Helens, where we had a glass of bub­bly before set­ting off to The Pri­ory Bay Hotel. The Vin­tage Bus took every­one there, but one of my brides­maids, Lou, had arranged for her step-mum to pick me and my flower-girls in her horse & cart. It was a won­der­ful sur­prise as I stepped out of our house, and the girls felt they were in a Dis­ney Fairy­tale! Their dreams had finally come true too!!!

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (27)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (28)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (29)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (30)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (31)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (32)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (33)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (34)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (35)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (36)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (37)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (38)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (39)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (40)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (41)

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We were very par­tic­u­lar about the music we wanted dur­ing the cer­e­mony. We spent hours trawl­ing through the inter­net, and we even­tu­ally found ver­sions of our favorite songs that we really loved.

My brides­maids, flow­er­girls and then my Dad and I entered the room with an acoustic gui­tar ver­sion of “Marry You”; we played Etta James’ “ At Last” and Nat King Cole’s “L.O.V.E” whilst sign­ing the reg­is­ter and Dar­ren and I skipped along to a yukelele ver­sion of Jason Mraz “I’m Yours” on our way out.

The pre-ceremony back­ground music included Jason Mraz ft. James Mor­ri­son ver­sion of “Detail is in the Fab­ric”, James Blunt’s cover of “Fall at your Feet”, Car­ole King’s “You’ve got a Friend”, Charles Aznavour “For me For­mi­da­ble” and finally, the cheesy ‘guilty-pleasure’ that is The Car­pen­ters’ “I can’t smile with­out you”. 8 months on from our Big Day, it’s STILL my favorite playlist…and prob­a­bly will remain so for a very very long time!

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (42)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (43)

What did you wear?

Dar­ren wore a sand-coloured three piece suit with a green tie and hand­some brown brogues; I wore a 50s inspired knee-length tea dress over a fluffy ruf­fles candyfloss-pink petty-coat, a spe­cially com­mis­sioned cro­cheted shawl, ‘pimped up’ plain shoes and a flower hairclip.

I found the per­fect dress in a local wed­ding shop just before Christ­mas; my mom and brides­maids all agreed, it was stun­ning. Then a month or so later… I com­pletely changed my mind! I didn’t want the Gre­cian, long strap­less gown anymore.

It was too late to can­cel the order, but luck­ily the wed­ding shop agreed to sell it for me (still no luck yet though!). I then went online (I’m a bit of an internet-shopping addict!) and saw EXACTLY what I wanted: a knee-length ivory dress, with lovely detail­ing around the bust that reminded me of 1950s glamour…and it was a tenth of the price of the one in the shop!

The only slight hiccup…it was listed on ebay and would come from China! But I took the plunge, and sent them all my mea­sure­ments (less a few inches that I had all inten­tions on los­ing between then and the Big Day…that was a good incen­tive!). Some weeks later, I got an email to say it had been shipped and I could track its progress…across two provinces in China, then through Kaza­khstan, Azer­bai­jan and after sev­eral other coun­tries to my front door!

My brides­maids made me promise I wouldn’t open the par­cel until they were with me. It was tor­ture but I man­aged and, truth­fully, it was JUST as I had expected it!

As for the shoes…oh my what a night­mare! Of course I had my mind set on a pair of Dolce and Gabana cost­ing £250. Which I would never ever spend on shoes; well, not just one pair any­way! So after months of search­ing I finally decided to go for plain ivory mid-heel weed­ing shoes, and made two flower clips to attach to the front of them. Et voila!

The shawl was made by a local lady who even cro­cheted dif­fer­ent types of flow­ers along the bor­ders of our shawls (my two girls and the brides­maids all had shawls too; theirs were pink with green/dark pink flow­ers and mine was green with pink roses and peonies). As the morn­ing was still a lit­tle cool, it was great hav­ing those beau­ti­ful shawls to cosy into. And they’re a great reminder.

Dar­ren also found his suit online. It was a sand-coloured, three piece Jeff Banks suit that looked really smart with­out look­ing too for­mal. We were incred­i­bly lucky with his tie, which we found on and turned out to be the EXACT right hue of green…phew! He also wore some lovely brown brogues and a beau­ti­ful pink & green rose in his boutonniere.

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (44)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (45)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (46)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (47)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (48)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (49)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (50)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (51)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (52)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (53)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (54)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (55)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (56)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (57)

intimate wedding photography by Jason Mark Harris (58)

Wed­ding venue

The Pri­ory Bay Hotel, Seav­iew, Isle of Wight for the cer­e­mony, aper­i­tif and lunch. Our home for cake, tea and danc­ing (splash­ing for the kids) in the lat­ter part of the after­noon. Two weeks later (once we’d returned from Hon­ey­moon), some Yurts in a local field for a BIG party with live music, free bar, food and a fab photobooth.

Wed­ding photographer:

Jason Mark Harris

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Low-key, Happy and Relaxed

Which read­ings did you choose?

I asked my brides­maids, Liz and Lou to read Pam Ayres’ “Yes I’ll Marry You”. But first both Dar­ren and I read out ‘Fam­ily Vows’ that we had writ­ten for the girls and boys, respec­tively. It was very emo­tional and I’m glad we did that, as our mar­riage means more to us than the com­ing together of our cou­ple, it is also the com­ing together of the two sides of our family.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

The Pri­ory Bay Hotel is a wel­com­ing, cosy Coun­try House and there was really noth­ing we could have added to make it more spe­cial. We had lunch after the cer­e­mony in their Island Room, which has a won­der­ful fresco of island land­scapes on all walls.

The only thing we added were a few low flower arrange­ments, and the favours: a bot­tle of home-made Lemon­cello for the grown-ups, and a hand-made book­let of puz­zles, colour­ing etc for the chil­dren. Our main colours were apple/sage green and can­dyfloss pink…that was found in the flow­ers and the bridal party’s ties, bou­quets, shawls and (oh so fluffy!) pettycoats!

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

We designed and ordered our invi­ta­tions online, through and didn’t even think of hav­ing an Order of Ser­vice or Menu etc. We just felt it wasn’t really needed. As for the kids’ favours, I got my inspi­ra­tion from the inter­net and drew pic­tures, made up puz­zles and cross­words and printed and bound the book­lets myself. I’m glad I made those as not only did it keep the chil­dren busy for a short while, but they enjoyed hav­ing their own per­son­alised memento of the day.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • Grin­ning so much all day that my jaw hurt
  • My two girls look­ing soooo beautiful
  • My brides­maids bring­ing in their home-made wed­ding cake – OMG it was PERFECT — and Delicious!
  • Our vows to the chil­dren and to each other
  • Get­ting back to our home and my father-in-law and brother-in-law play­ing gui­tars whilst the kids splashed in the pool and grown-ups sipped tea or cham­pagne and ate cake…
  • The WHOLE day was my most mem­o­rable and cher­ished moment.

Wed­ding day advice:

Don’t over-complicate things. It’s sup­posed to be a FUN day for all, but espe­cially for the Bride and Groom, so don’t get bogged down in stress­ful details and don’t feel there is a for­mat you ‘have to’ fol­low. It’s YOUR Big Day…make it what YOU want.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Pho­tog­ra­pher: Jason Mark Har­ris – his pic­tures really cap­ture the essence of our day. He was so dis­creet we hardly knew he was there, which made for more nat­ural photos.

Venue: The Pri­ory Bay Hotel, Seav­iew, Isle of Wight is so beau­ti­ful in its own right, you really don’t need any props (bows on chairs, bird cages, elab­o­rate flower dis­plays…) to make it look amaz­ing. The staff, and Ralph in par­tic­u­lar was so atten­tive, they made us feel like our day was spe­cial for them too.

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