Fashion Magazine

Anna Sui for Coach Mixing the Old with the New

By Shauntee @shaunteebattie

Anna Sui for Coach Mixing the Old with the New

I remember my very first Coach purse like it was yesterday. My mom purchased it for me and had it engraved with my initials. I don’t re-call the style of the purse but that’s when my love affair with Coach started. Unfortunately, I also remember hanging out at a friend’s house with a bunch of people and someone stole it. I remember my mother being as mad as the devil with flames and horns growing out her head. Needless to say, I eventually got another one and learned a very important lesson about watching my valuables. I had to be about 16 at the time; this was in the early 1990’s before Coach evolved beyond their traditional leather bags.

Since then, I’ve had at least 50 Coach Bags and they remain one of my favorite purse designers among many others. This year seems to be the year of re-mixing the traditional with the modern. Coach re-mixed the classic Willis Bag this year and now this season brings the new version of their classic legacy duffle sacks. Can someone say “Excellent Holiday Gift”?

Anna Sui for Coach Mixing the Old with the New

Anna Sui for Coach Mixing the Old with the New

I love the new Coach Duffles by Anna Sui but for  a budget friendly lover like myself , $798.00 – $1000.00 is out of my price range.  I would have to either 1) sale my soul to the devil, 2) sale some vital organs,  or 3) live in a cardboard box. The Coach outlet has spoiled me because I have some awesome Coach bags that I purchased at great prices. I can’t remember the last time I spent over $100.00 on a Coach purse. But with the new styles and the perky Coach rep who personally called me from the Watertower location, I may have to make an exception and invest in the revamped legacy collection. As it stand right now, I’m suffering from S.P.A (Serious Purse Addiction).

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