These “world’s most this and that” lists are quite arbitrary aren’t they? And just a little bit of fun. When Sandra Bullock heard she had been chosen as “The Most Beautiful Woman” by People Magazine she burst out laughing. And that’s why we all lover her! She is such a girl’s girl but we all know she can kick some serious ass as well. And never takes herself too seriously. From the time she became a household name in Speed (and part of one of cinema’s all time best leading couples with Keanu Reeves), Sandra Bullock has just simply become the world’s sweetheart. I think it speaks volumes that her son still does not know what she does for a living. In the People Magazine cover story she said at one time he thought his mother was an astronaut! (No doubt because of “Gravity“).
Because I am a huge fan of Sandra Bullock and because she has been chosen as the Most Beautiful Woman, here are some of my favorite Sandra Bullock style moments. Most of these are quite glamorous, but I also admire her everyday style of jeans and casual tops. Beauty they say is the eye of the beholder, but I don’t think there’d be many people who would disagree with the choice this year!

Images: Vogue, People, Google, Pinterest.