I always love a peek into other people’s lives and the little looksie that some bloggers give us readers into their wardrobes is pure gold. Check out Mrs Woogs’ all time favourite go-to outfit, it’s an abslute pearler!
Seriously though peeps, there are some truly awesome fashion bloggers who show how outfits can be thrown together to look all sorts of fabbo. For real ladies, like us. I’ve discovered lots of super tips on accessorising too, and the very best thing about bangles and bling is that they are usually one-size-fits-all, and that’s my kinda thing!
Don’t worry, you WON’T find me doing a regular series of What I Wore posts as my wardrobe and style is as close to as boring as batshit as anyone’s could ever be. If I happen to stumble across something spectacularly schmicko then maybe I’ll share ……. but until then I’m happy to look in at the certifiably stylish people for my wardrobe dreaming.
All that said (and with the reassurance that you won’t be seeing me in my trackkies and T-shirt any time soon) against any sort of role-modelling from her Mum, Baby Girl appears to be quite the fashionista at age 2 and a half. I’m all kinds of proud

Here’s What She Wore yesterday, dressed entirely by herself. Catwalk winning don’t you think?

Do you find yourself needing to re-dress them before venturing in public? We actually went to a friend’s place for lunch yesterday in this outfit. A good laugh for the adults anyway! Do you have an independent little fashion princess or prince? Please tell us!
Linking with Bree from Twinkle in the Eye and her Flash Blog Friday. Be sure to check it out!