Lifestyle Magazine

An Italian Wedding Planner in London

By Claire

“Wed­dings are all about love. And love does not come only from the couple’s side, believe me.

My name is Sil­via Bar­gagni and I’m Mag­no­lia Wed­ding Plan­ner, a wed­ding plan­ner and coor­di­na­tor in Flo­rence, Italy. And I do love weddings.

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Hav­ing been a wed­ding plan­ner for 6 years now I can tell you that a really good coor­di­na­tor is one who puts their heart and soul into each wed­ding. I absolutely love every sin­gle bit of this “wedding-world” that I have decided to take some impor­tant steps in my life.

I have always been a wed­ding plan­ner for both Ital­ian and for­eign cou­ples, with my base office in Flo­rence but work­ing not only in Tus­cany but also in the Lake Como area and all north­ern Italy.

I plan and orga­nize all types of wed­dings from civil, reli­gious and sym­bolic cer­e­monies along with recep­tions and wed­ding par­ties. Since last year I’ve added a per­son­alised wed­ding design ser­vice which I love doing too!

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All bud­gets can be sat­is­fied, there’s no anony­mous pack­ages or cold cos­tumer ser­vice for me: every­thing must be cre­ated from the start by talk­ing with my cou­ples, work­ing and dream­ing together.

But what is the next step for Mag­no­lia Wed­ding Planner?

Well… most of my cou­ples were and are from the UK and Ire­land… let’s say 80%. That’s a pretty high per­cent­age isn’t it?

So now it’s time to give back all the Eng­lish and Irish love I’ve received for so many years and what can be bet­ter than get­ting nearer to them? Open­ing a Eng­lish branch is the way.

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Trust me, it has not been easy to con­vince myself as it’s an impor­tant step not only in my career but mainly in my life. I have asked all my friends and rel­a­tives for their opin­ions and sug­ges­tions, and every­thing was get­ting even more con­fused — until I asked my ex brides.

They were so enthu­si­as­tic about this idea all my wor­ries and doubts just faded away — so here I am. I’m really proud to con­firm that from 2012 I’ll be both in Italy and in Lon­don, I’m so thrilled!

I hope it will be really help­ful for all my lovely cou­ples to have some­one who was born in Italy and who knows Italy really well and who works there coor­di­nat­ing every­thing on site but on the other hand can be met per­son­ally in an Lon­don office to talk to directly. Com­bin­ing the two aspects can really be the per­fect solu­tion. Great steps but… yes this is all about love, the love I feel for my job.

Can’t wait to get there, can you feel good vibes too?

Last but not least I have to thank Claire for this great oppor­tu­nity to write on her amaz­ing and classy blog that I adore and fol­low con­ti­nously, thank you so much I feel so hon­oured! [my plea­sure Sil­via — it’s lovely to hear about your adventure!]

I appre­ci­ate so much this lovely blog as it’s so easy, so detailed, so full of fan­tas­tic pho­tos and ideas that I really have fallen in love with it, can you blame me?”

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Are you think­ing of get­ting mar­ried in Italy? I’d love to hear about your plans. And you can visit Silvia’s web­site for more infor­ma­tion at to find out more about her services.

Fol­low Silvia’s wed­ding plan­ning blog with me to hear more about her adven­tures (for non-Italian speak­ers, there’s a link at the top to trans­late it!). Sil­via — wel­come to the UK. Best of luck with everything!

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