Hair & Beauty Magazine

An Instagram Update #57

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
It has been almost a month since I posted an Instagram update so I thought it was about time I put another one together! In that time we've flown past Christmas and New Year, and now all that's left to do is look forward to everything that 2014 has in store. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a very happy New Year spent with your loved ones and hopefully your return to work/school/college/university isn't too horrible. 
2014 is the year that I hope to finally put my degree to good use and be working full time, pass my driving test, save save save & be one step closer to marrying my best friend by setting a wedding date. No biggie, eh?
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My work uniform on Christmas Eve, our lovely tree on Christmas morning with plenty of presents underneath, relaxing in my new dressing gown which is the comfiest thing EVER, some of my lovely pressies from my parents and brother, a gorgeous sunset, spending my New Years Night watching The Great Gatsby (again), sale buys from ASOS & a Slushie break while I was out shopping.

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