Hi folks! I’m back after a mini hiatus, as I’ve been working on my yoga teacher certification.
Though I’m in my final weeks of training, I couldn’t turn down a chance to join the California Avocado Commission for a fun, creative and educational weekend – enjoying everything avocado. Yep, practically everything avocado from every dinner course to a packed day of tours the following day — getting the scoop from the farmers and packers and even getting to pick some of my own avocados from Rancho Rodoro farm.

Farmer Randy showed as around his farm and let us pick some avocados to take home with us.
I had to take this pic of itty bitty avocados for my little twin girls. They love tiny things. Although we got to pick plenty of good medium sized avocados to take home with us.

With a daily dose of avocado and accommodations at the Four Seasons, who could resist such an opportunity thanks to the folks at Golin-Harris PR firm, California Avocado Commission and coordinating RD Andrea N. Giancoli.
Here I am with some of my new friends enjoying wine outdoors – at the Four Seasons – before our lovely dinner by the amazing Chef featuring non other than the avocado. On the left is Caroline Kaufman, RD and on my right is Gillian Ferguson, KCRW Producer of Good Food. And in the pic below, another new friend, EA Stewart, RD.

The chef tells us about our delicious meal, starting with a greens salad with yummy sliced avocado and concluding with a chocolate dessert to die for. Wish the lighting was good enough to take pictures of our yummy meal. Speaking of which, my Nutri-Savvy Facebook page shows some avocado-licious dishes including a Gazpacho and a tasty seasoned avocado over toast by Chef Pink (see pic below this one of Four Season’s chef).

Since it was too dark to get any good pics of our delightful dinner at the Four Season’s, here’s a pic from one of the many delicious dishes at our Rancho Rodoro lunch: Chef Pink’s Seasoned avocado over toast .

Stay tuned for my next Avocado post – waiting for my farm picked Avocados and the package of avocados from our packing facility tour to ripen. Tips I learned from Registered Dietitian Katie Ferraro and an avocado-licious recipe to come.

Filed under: Nutri-Savvy