Lifestyle Magazine

An English Country Wedding with a Bit of a Circus Theme Thrown In!

By Claire

The images are by my friend and blog spon­sor the lovely Alix Marina-Chouhan of Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy. Andrea and Ryan have shared their wed­ding details for us all to enjoy, and there are links to the key wed­ding sup­pli­ers involved at the end of this feature.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to a fan­tas­tic, fun and absolutely gor­geous cou­ple. Thank you ever so much for shar­ing your wed­ding and advice for Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog read­ers today. Thank you also Alix for sub­mit­ting such a fan­tas­tic wed­ding to the blog — you can find out more about Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy at and by vis­it­ing Alix’s ded­i­cated wed­ding sup­plier page on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog: Leices­ter­shire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Alix Marina-Chouhan. Every­one — grab a cuppa and enjoy! Claire x

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (2)

Andrea and Ryan’s Eng­lish coun­try wed­ding with a dash of cir­cus style!

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (3)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (4)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (5)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (6)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (7)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (8)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (9)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (10)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (11)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (12)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (13)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (14)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (15)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (16)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (17)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (18)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (19)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (20)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (21)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (22)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (23)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (24)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (25)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (26)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (27)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (28)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (29)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (30)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (31)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (32)

English country garden wedding blog with Lumiere Photography (33)

Wed­ding venue: Pre­ston Court, Kent

(At the time of writ­ing I can’t link to Pre­ston Court as my antivirus soft­ware is com­ing up with warn­ings of a virus on their site.)

Wed­ding photographer

Alix Marina-Chouhan (Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy)

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Pre­dom­i­nantly an Eng­lish coun­try wed­ding with a bit of a cir­cus theme thrown in to ref­er­ence the venue & carousel!

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery

We chose the lovely circus-style invi­ta­tions from sweet­invi­ta­tionco through Etsy

What did you wear?

Bride: Dress; Balira from Pronovias, Shoes; Nova from Jimmy Choo, ear­rings from Fen­wicks, and flower in hair from Lo Boheme
Groom: Shoes from Rus­sell & Brom­ley, suit hired from Austin Reed

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Unfor­tu­nately, the unsea­son­able May weather last year meant that we couldn’t have it out­side under the pagoda, but it was fan­tas­tic to get mar­ried in the big barn in front of the amaz­ing vin­tage organ. We chose Shakespeare’s Son­net 18 as our wed­ding reading.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details

We wanted to ref­er­ence all the dif­fer­ent styles that the venue & our day had, so we had lots of coun­try flow­ers in vases, circus-themed table names and a posh kebab van for evening buf­fet, and also some lovely per­son­alised Mex­i­can wed­ding ban­ners as we got mar­ried on Cinco de Mayo from AyMu­jer on Etsy

Wed­ding music and entertainment

We had the bril­liant DJ Steve from who was so accom­mo­dat­ing, pro­fes­sional and great fun!

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The cer­e­mony is prob­a­bly the part of the day that got least atten­tion when we were plan­ning, but was the most spe­cial part. And the speeches from my Dad & our Best Men Kevin & Dan were the per­fect mix­ture of heart­felt and tear-inducing laughter

Wed­ding day advice

Try to speak to every guest, espe­cially older/close rel­a­tives who love to have you all to them­selves for a while. And don’t sweat the small stuff; the things that go a bit off-plan add to your wed­ding day story!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

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