Lifestyle Magazine

An English Country Wedding Film and a Very Cinematic Peacock!

By Claire

Aaron and Deb­bie | Pre­ston Court, Kent from Mem­ory Lane Films on Vimeo.

Tom from Mem­ory Lane Films told me, “Aaron and Debbie’s big day in the coun­try­side was a filmmaker’s dream. Every­one was very chilled out, the sun was shin­ing, and there was a very cin­e­matic pea­cock strut­ting around in the background.

A Chris­t­ian cer­e­mony set in a ren­o­vated Eng­lish barn was some­thing new, but along with the gypsy car­a­van, pagoda and hay bales, pro­vided a stun­ningly cin­e­matic, rus­tic set­ting for a lovely couple.

Despite hear­ing some very odd com­ments from our wire­less micro­phones (don’t worry Deb­bie — they’re not included!) we kept our com­po­sure and present the teaser trailer for your view­ing pleasure!”

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