Tech Magazine

An Email Marketing Primer

Posted on the 13 July 2012 by Hostingnuggets @hostingnuggets
An email marketing primerIn this concise email marketing primer, I will explain what this specialized field of internet marketing is all about and its different types.
Let's first start with the definition: email marketing is the direct marketing of a commercial message in most cases to a group of people or to a particular person using today's electronic mail as media.
Generally email marketing is used to send advertisements, solicit business sales or donations. For that purpose the marketers employ their current customer listings from their own database or acquire customer listings from third parties. The goal of email marketing is to enhance or refresh the current relationship between the merchant and its customer in order to get a new deal and in a broader sense to earn the customer's loyalty. For new customers it is clear that the purpose is here to acquire these new customers.
There are three different types of email marketing. First of all, there are email newsletters which are are sent on a regular basis to customers who have prior subscribed for this. Transaction emails are sent on a specific action or even triggered by the customer, for example when purchasing on-line. Finally, direct emails are used for communicating promotional messages.

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