Lifestyle Magazine

An Art Deco Wedding with Pimms and Ice Cream

By Claire

Sarah and Rich got married at The Midland Hotel in Morecambe back in July. The lovely pics are courtesy of wedding photographer Emma Billsborough - who will always, always be "ElmoBilbo" in my head, thanks to twitter. (Some handles just stick!)

I love the sleek lines of the wedding venue, the seaside location and the vintage ice cream lady - how cool is she?!

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

"We got married in Lancaster, where we had met at university, with the ceremony taking place at the chaplaincy on the university campus. It was amazing to arrive at the chaplaincy and see it transformed with flowers and decorations and full of our families and friends. We were married by a chaplain who we both knew from our time at university and family and friends provided the music and readings making it a really personal and special occasion.

The recep­tion was at The Mid­land Hotel in More­cambe, a per­fect sea­side and relaxed venue. We had hired a vin­tage ice cream van and so on arrival guests were greeted with Pimms and ice cream, a great way to begin the reception.

The art deco archi­tec­ture of The Mid­land made a stun­ning back­drop for pho­tos and we even braved the wind on the seafront to get some out­door shots. We tried to add some per­sonal touches to the recep­tion venue, with our favorite album cov­ers for table names and hand-made bis­cuits for favours. The rest of the day went so quickly, catch­ing up with friends and danc­ing into the evening.

It was our per­fect day.

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

What really stands out in your mem­ory as being a fab­u­lous wed­ding day moment?

There are too many! Get­ting mar­ried in the place where we first met, arriv­ing at The Mid­land hotel to Pimms and ice creams, my nephew get­ting stuck in his high­chair dur­ing the best man speech, and an impromptu gui­tar sing along when the DJs speak­ers blew.

What one piece of wed­ding day advice would you give?

Relax and enjoy the day. How­ever much there is to do in advance and how­ever planned the day is once it begins there is noth­ing more you can do but enjoy it. Any­thing unex­pected that hap­pens will be a mem­o­rable moment and some­thing which makes the day unique!

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

An art deco wedding with Pimms and ice cream

photo credit Emma Billsborough

My wed­ding dress is from Essense of Aus­tralia – I’m not very good at describ­ing the style! Bought from The Wed­ding Cen­tre, Mar­low (Buckinghamshire)

My neck­lace and ear­rings were a present from my nan, and I wore a tiara which matched the beads on the dress from Ali­son Burgess Cou­ture in Stockport.

The groom, best man and ush­ers’ suits were all from Moss Bros. The cra­vats for the groom and best man were made from the same mate­r­ial as the bridesmaid’s dresses to bring every­thing together.

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

photo credit Emma Billsborough

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

Wed­ding Flow­ers by Cather­ine (Lan­caster) Bou­quets were stun­ning and the recep­tion and cake flow­ers fit­ted the feel and theme of the day per­fectly.
Sun­set Ices – Vin­tage ice cream van
Emma B Pho­tog­ra­phy – Pho­tos really cap­tured the story of our day, we love them.

photo credit Emma Billsborough
More from Emma B Photography:

Emma Bills­bor­ough on Pin­ter­est

Emma’s own wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blogpost includes the line, “we had a lot of fun being poo-ed on by seag­ulls in between shots.” (worth a read!)

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