Lately, my husband & I were really hard-working @our allotment! I will give a big update now! :) We have enjoyed a lot of fresh mixed radishes lately. We have sown them again for the second time:
6 lovely radishes!
And a few days later, again 3 radishes!
We also eat the leaves!
The first rhubarb from the season, our garden! 638 grams!
And what has been growing in our own build cold frame?
And: 2 types of cut-away salad leaves & yellow purslane down below! :) Yum Yum!
And,…Just look at that lovely view! :)
And for the rest,… in the plain full ground:
We already have had 8 sugar snap peas! I blanched them for 1 minute or so & poured very cold water over them & ate them like that in a mixed salad! :)
Sugar snap was!
And more peas, but the normal peas,…
And here or some more photos: Enjoy! :)
This is a large insect-hotel, standing on the edge of our plot! :) Lucky us!
This type of netting-frame is what my husband Peter build with bamboo sticks & wood that was lying around to protect our strawberry plants. Cool right? Yesterday, we ate our 1st ripe strawberry! What a different in flavor than the store-bought ones!
We have 5 home-grown courgettes: 2 green one’s: black beauty & 3 yellow one’s! We put them last week in the ground, covered with black plastic, to warm the earth. We gave them plenty of manure & water. We also trew organic anti-slug granules under the black plastic! My plants were already 1 month & 1/2 old! They needed to be planted out because they were growing small mini courgettes! We also grew at home 5 pumpkin plants!
This is how we did it!
This hedge of red currant plants, called: Jonkheer van Tets, are already turning red,…soon! :) Yummm!
On the other side, between the field of pumpkins & courgettes, we have a big hedge of raspberries. They are yellow raspberries! :)
Now, let’s see what else has happened in our garden? Here are the many plants that are growing in our plastic conservatory!
And on the other side:
In total, in the plastic conservatory, we have 2 big Coeur de boeuf tomato plants, 2 Roma tomato plants, 1 orange tomato plant, 1 green striped tomato plant, 1 green grape cherry tomato plant. We also have 2 aubergine plants, but they don’t grow good at all! :( We also grow 1 red sweet long pepper plant. We are growing 10 curly green lettuces. We already ate 4 of them. We also grow 10 green celery plants. We also placed Marigold flowers between them all!
Further along, in the full ground:
Bolivar red beets & purple kohlrabi’s between them!
So, this is the end, my lonely friend,….the end! :) I hoped you enjoyed it! :) See you later in the year,…:)
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Sophies Foodie Files
Filed under: Gardening