Welcome to British Isles Friday! British Isles Friday is a weekly event for sharing all things British and Irish - reviews, photos, opinions, trip reports, guides, links, resources, personal stories, interviews, and research posts. Join us each Friday to link your British and Irish themed content and to see what others have to share. The link list is at the bottom of this post. Pour a cup of tea or lift a pint and join our link party!
Last week, I had some fun with Pride and Prejudice, including dreaming about the house that "played" Longbourne in the series. Tina reviewed Gone for Lunch, an advice book by an event planner who works for the Museum of London so she has lots of interesting options at lunch. Becky reviewed The War I Finally Won, a coming-of-age WWII story.
The news from early in the week was fun for American Anglophiles. My favorite headline, though, appealed to my feminism: Successful actress Meghan Markle to wed former soldier. I haven't paid much attention to the romances of Prince Harry, so this was a nice surprise for me.
Did you catch the BBC interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? It seems that Meghan Markle wasn't an American Anglophile before meeting Prince Harry, since she didn't know much about him before then. Prince Harry wasn't a previous fan of her work in the TV series, Suits. They both considered it a blessing - two famous people who didn't know too much about it each other before they met. I can imagine that being a relief to get to know someone without a lot of media baggage to unload first.
From the interview, Meghan Markle understands what she's getting into. Marrying into the royal family is marrying into a family business. It's a marriage and a career-change in one moment. But, she seems prepared for that, now.
I had a fun time, this week, mostly for purposes of my novel but also to indulge in a little royal-watching, studying this map from The Daily Mail of the residents of Kensington Palace.

About Joy Weese Moll
a librarian writing about books