Lifestyle Magazine

Alternative Britannia Creative Bridal Shoot — You Have Been Warned!

By Claire

This is a wed­ding indus­try shoot which stands out from the crowd of red, white and blue-bedecked blog fea­tures. And while I might sam­ple a cup­cake and wave a bit of bunting come jubilee week­end (I’ve moved back to a lit­tle Cum­brian vil­lage — my Dad will make me!), inside my heart this is the Bri­tan­nia I can relate to. The story behind the shoot is just as inspir­ing — over to Mat to tell you more.

Alter­na­tive patri­otic wed­ding inspi­ra­tion — Britannia

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (16)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (1)
Back in Feb­ru­ary, my good friend and design col­lab­o­ra­tor Ann McK­avney and I began plan­ning an idea with the whole Dia­mond Jubilee/Britain/ Olympic theme in mind. What we didn’t want was an image that would be instantly for­get­table with flags, bunting and cup­cakes. We came up with the idea of Bri­tan­nia after Abi­gail James Her­bert spoke with Ann at the Tat­ton Park Wed­ding Show where we were all exhibiting.

Abbie was sport­ing her usual beau­ti­fully coiffed mohawk hairdo and exud­ing her own unique style. Instantly the idea of Bri­tan­nia, who has con­tro­ver­sially been side­lined in British cul­ture and removed from our coinage, was born. We thought it through for a week or so and asked Abbie if she’d like to be involved. She agreed, thought we were mad, and before she knew it was being mea­sured for a spe­cially com­mis­sioned dress by bridal cou­turier Erica Stacey.

Clare Arden from Harry Jon came on board to pro­vide some crazy hair and makeup and Damian Hall was the man who was going to cap­ture it all on film.

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (19)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (20)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (21)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (22)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (23)
alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (2)
Another Bank Hol­i­day in Man­ches­ter was book­marked for the shoot and know­ing our luck with the weather the deci­sion was made to shoot it all in my unit in Hyde. This build­ing houses all kinds of indus­trial machin­ery and would pro­vide the per­fect back­drop. As we are all from the North of Eng­land, it was right and proper to go with an indus­trial, cre­ative vibe using all the raw, unstaged and ran­dom equip­ment as our props.

A ban­quet­ing table, fit for a Queen, was set up with a Union Jack hastily spray painted on the wall behind. As a flo­ral and venue designer I indulged all my favorite plea­sures, masses of flow­ers, crys­tal, glass, can­dles and as much detail as I could fit in with the Bri­tan­nia theme com­ing through.

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (9)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (10)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (7)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (8)
alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (11)
alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (3)
alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (4)
alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (5)

Abbie rocked it as a strong war­rior princess, rul­ing the north­ern waves. Clare used Mad Max style hair exten­sions, lip tat­toos and a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent looks through­out rang­ing from Boudica to punk to rock star. British bull­dogs made an appear­ance and a Bichon Frisee came along as a nod to our mul­tira­cial society!

Ann designed two head­pieces and a sev­eral items of jew­ellery includ­ing a bracelet made from old six­pences, drilled and hung from a British ster­ling sil­ver chain. Bri­tan­nia stood resplen­dent with a designer silk gown, joke shop tri­dent and a dust­bin lid shield, heav­ily cov­ered with flow­ers, of course. Sev­eral themed bou­quets were made with sea­sonal flow­ers, red leather barbed wire, offi­cial Min­istry of Defence Jubilee rib­bon and old 50p pieces, the only coins left in cir­cu­la­tion with Bri­tan­nia still on them.

Abbie and her hus­band Dar­ren con­structed an amaz­ing Bri­tan­nic white choco­late cake, with hand painted detail and Damian and his wife Char­lotte used some very clever light­ing tech­niques to add to the mood of the day.

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (12)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (13)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (14)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (17)

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (18)
As a cre­ative col­lec­tive, we made a great team and hope­fully put Bri­tan­nia back in the picture.

Cre­ative shoot by Man­ches­ter wed­ding suppliers

alternative royal wedding inspiration photo credit Damian Hall (24)

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