This is a wedding industry shoot which stands out from the crowd of red, white and blue-bedecked blog features. And while I might sample a cupcake and wave a bit of bunting come jubilee weekend (I’ve moved back to a little Cumbrian village — my Dad will make me!), inside my heart this is the Britannia I can relate to. The story behind the shoot is just as inspiring — over to Mat to tell you more.
Alternative patriotic wedding inspiration — Britannia

Abbie was sporting her usual beautifully coiffed mohawk hairdo and exuding her own unique style. Instantly the idea of Britannia, who has controversially been sidelined in British culture and removed from our coinage, was born. We thought it through for a week or so and asked Abbie if she’d like to be involved. She agreed, thought we were mad, and before she knew it was being measured for a specially commissioned dress by bridal couturier Erica Stacey.
Clare Arden from Harry Jon came on board to provide some crazy hair and makeup and Damian Hall was the man who was going to capture it all on film.

A banqueting table, fit for a Queen, was set up with a Union Jack hastily spray painted on the wall behind. As a floral and venue designer I indulged all my favorite pleasures, masses of flowers, crystal, glass, candles and as much detail as I could fit in with the Britannia theme coming through.

Abbie rocked it as a strong warrior princess, ruling the northern waves. Clare used Mad Max style hair extensions, lip tattoos and a variety of different looks throughout ranging from Boudica to punk to rock star. British bulldogs made an appearance and a Bichon Frisee came along as a nod to our multiracial society!
Ann designed two headpieces and a several items of jewellery including a bracelet made from old sixpences, drilled and hung from a British sterling silver chain. Britannia stood resplendent with a designer silk gown, joke shop trident and a dustbin lid shield, heavily covered with flowers, of course. Several themed bouquets were made with seasonal flowers, red leather barbed wire, official Ministry of Defence Jubilee ribbon and old 50p pieces, the only coins left in circulation with Britannia still on them.
Abbie and her husband Darren constructed an amazing Britannic white chocolate cake, with hand painted detail and Damian and his wife Charlotte used some very clever lighting techniques to add to the mood of the day.

Creative shoot by Manchester wedding suppliers
- Red Floral Architecture
- Damian Hall Photography
- Butterflies and Angels Chocolatiers
- Eleventh Heaven headwear and styling
- Harry Jon make up and hair
- Erica Stacey wedding dress designer