Fashion Magazine

Alona Shechter from Psoriasis Sufferer to Treatment Provider

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

Alona Shechter is well known for the lectures she personally gives to so many psoriasis sufferers,  her own story began in 1987, when as a mother of two toddlers, she woke up one morning to discover that a red rash had appeared on her skin.

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

A dermatologist diagnosed her with psoriasis, and she was sent to a hospital to begin a series of treatments. Treatment involved using cortisone creams, pills, and cortisone shots, and then started  PUVA radiation treatments and again these treatments were unsuccessful. As time passed Shechter became very big and bloated, and basically was just told that medically there was nothing more that could be done, and she needed to go home and learn to live with the condition.

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

At that time, even the simplest movement of the head, would cause her neck area to bleed or as soon as she bent down to pick up one of the children there would get the same reaction on her hands and elbows. Not wanting to return to the conventional treatments she began to seek out natural medicine, homeopathic therapists and Chinese-Acupuncturists, but nothing helped until she met a dermatologist who combined conventional and natural medicines.

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

An expert on medicinal plants, her dermatologist told her, unequivocally, “If you do what I ask of you, within one year, you will be clean.” Shechter left his practice with all kinds of leaves that were boiled with fluids and oils, and he told her very clearly that psoriasis is incurable; nevertheless the skin can look healthy.

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

On returning home she planned out her treatment, nothing happened at first, but slowly for two or three weeks of using the cream, her skin started to relax, the wounds began to heal, the skin had suddenly softened. Now Shechter was able to move her limbs without the painful tears or bleeding that had happened before, after eight months she skin was clear.

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

This whole process opened her mind to find out, “What are these herbs? Can I solve skin problems using other herbs? What are the features of the healing plants? At this moment the early stages of the Alona Shechter treatment line were born “If they solved my problems maybe I can help others with daily problems such as: fungi, itching, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, hemorrhoids, wrinkles and pigmentation” was now going to be the goal.


With a study in Dermatology and medicinal herbs completed Alona Shechter wanted to develop a product line that would be effective and contain a high concentration with the correct combination of ingredients. Alona Shechter treatments use herbs in the highest concentration in compliance with the European CPNP Regulations and with the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

Alona Shechter from psoriasis sufferer to treatment provider

In 1994 Alona Shechter Ltd was incorporated, purchasing the original formulations from the same dermatologist who had helped her previously, a full treatment line of products for the face, body and hair based on herbs and minerals from the Dead Sea, to resolve as many skin problems as possible was launched. To find out more about the treatment line visit Alona Shechter online, and inquire about her speaking engagements.

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