Outdoors Magazine

Almost Home

By Tinydancerrach @tinydancerrach
We are almost finished with out 9+ month contracts. It is hard to believe. I feel like no one back home will understand anything that happened on here. It’s all a blue. Our cast is way too comfortable with one another which is both hilarious and terrifying. Our discovery of 4 pics one word and Candy Crush has destroyed much of our verbal communication since there are no new Walking Dead and New Girl episodes to discuss. I think it may be time to say goodbye…New England has been amazing. Occasional cell phone service and a port almost every day is amazing after 6 months of sea days and bad Wi-Fi. I am going to miss the ship and my friends so much though. I even met a great guy from Holland so we are enjoying our time together while we can. Anyway…I’m off to crush some candy then get my party on in Canada tonight : )

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