Hey my lovelies!
I know that I have been absent for a while now, on my blog & on your blogs too. I had a good reason,…Peter & I were hard-working in our allotment. This year, we were a bit late & needed to sort the garden out. We had been to the container park to get some good compost but there was no more compost,…..big sigh! Now, we needed to work in our loam earth & needed to use the woelvork named in Dutch but I don’t know what it is called in English? This tool:
Here are a lot new photos from our garden, let’s see what we have done!
Our lovely rhubarb, ready to harvest a few stalks!
Here are many green veggies & herbs that are growing now in our beloved garden. We have 3 smaller sunflowers, that we grew from seed. These one’s will grow only to the height of 90 cm! The alcea rosea, my parents grew last year & we planted them at the end of September. This year they will grow tall, strong & they will flower,…yes! Also, they will attract many bees & useful insects too. Besides that photo, you see a large bunch of fresh coriander plants aka stalks. We haven’t sown them at all. They grew from the original plant from the year before,…Lucky us. We already harvested many times. We planted 2 NZ spinach this year & they grow bigger every day. We placed them in half shadow because last year, the one in half shadow grew much bigger then the one’s in full sunshine. Last year we had 6 plants, this year 2 will satisfy us, ….:)
We grew 10 celeriac from seed this year & it is the 1st time that I did that. I have sown them on February, the 13th 2016. They are slow growers & after mid May, they came into the garden. This year, we also bought a Good-King-Henry plant. This is family of the Amaranth family. It is a very old plant. We also bought a Chinese mustard plant. Last year, we had a big white chard plant & this year we didn’t have to sow it at all,..the wind did it for us & early this year, we already have 15 plants of white chard. We already have eaten 3 times, a big bunch,..so bitter & yummy.
And here is the latest harvest:
The 1st one!
We harvested 5 of them! (no photo tough)
And the 2nd red salad bowl crop & this lovely big filled bowl of loveliness:
And many radishes, 3 sorts!
Let’s see what else is happening in the garden:
And there is more,…
This will be all for now, my friends! There isn’t much happening in our plastic conservatory so that update is for later in the year!
I hope you all enjoyed it too!
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Sophies Foodie Files
Tagged: Gardening