Hair & Beauty Magazine
Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share my views on the newly launched lip balms by Himalaya Herbals. If you guys follow me on Instagram then you already have seen how these balms look like. Now, I am going to let you know how these lip balms actually are. So, this is going to be an overview of the new Himalaya Herbals lip balms.
Recently, Himalaya Herbals has launched five new lip balms that are made of all natural ingredients, completely sans preservatives, petroleum jelly, mineral oil and silicones. They are enriched with 100% natural colours, Vitamin E and antioxidants. Himalaya Herbals is known for using natural ingredients and that is why it has been my favorite since my teenage days. I am so glad that they have come up with these newly formulated lip balms with new and exciting packaging.Continue reading >>