Dena and Enocha
Every season our favorite main street stores come up with a few "it" pieces which spread across the fashion blogosphere (and the streets) faster than you can name them. This season one of these are the Zara skorts (a strange mix between a skirt and shorts, very popular in the 90s), first released in white but also available in black now, and seen E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E.
I definitely love the front look of these, the asymetric style so close to what Isabel Marant showed us just a few weeks ago is indeed perfect. However, I cannot pass the fact that these are skorts... I mean, really ? Skorts are one of those things which I hoped to never see again after the crazyness in the 90s. I have worn my share of skorts, and honestly I don't want to take that route again. I mean, it's like if the scrunchie would made a comeback. Yes, my point exactly.
xx Marta