Lifestyle Magazine

Alive Network’s Most Popular Wedding Entertainment

By Claire

The most pop­u­lar wed­ding enter­tain­ment — by Alive Network

When you’re look­ing for that per­fect enter­tain­ment for your wed­ding recep­tion, noth­ing beats the excite­ment, energy and sheer fun of a live wed­ding band. But what type of wed­ding bands should you choose?

For wed­ding enter­tain­ment that gets every­one of all ages up and danc­ing, choose a four-piece rock and pop func­tion band. If you choose a wed­ding band from Alive Net­work that offers a great range of music, what­ever they play, at least some of your guests will know it!

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Alive Network’s top party band is Hip­ster, four highly tal­ented musi­cians who cover every­thing from The Bea­t­les to the Kings of Leon, and they are superb at keep­ing the energy high and every­one involved from first note to last encore! Equally pop­u­lar are Happy Hour and Live Wires, whose energy and sense of humor wins them fans every­where they play.

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For brides and grooms who want a touch of sophis­ti­ca­tion for their big day, Rat Pack Singers are per­fect wed­ding enter­tain­ers. Per­form­ing the music of leg­endary singers and croon­ers such as Frank Sina­tra, Dean Mar­tin and Sammy Davies Jnr, these super-smooth singers will have every­one hum­ming and danc­ing along to clas­sic songs every­one loves.

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Alive Network’s most pop­u­lar Rat Pack wed­ding singer is William May, a ris­ing star of the swing band sound, and a ter­rific Sina­tra sounda­like. Rus­sell Shaun will delight your guests with clas­sics made famous by the likes of Tony Ben­nett and Nat King Cole. (If you love Rob­bie Williams” swing album, you’ll adore Russell!)

And if you fancy a dif­fer­ent kind of wed­ding band for your wed­ding recep­tion enter­tain­ment, take a look at our trib­ute bands, foot-tappin’ jazz bands, good time soul bands, bold as brass big bands, and hip sway­ing salsa bands? At Alive Net­work, the choice is all yours!

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This is a spon­sored blog fea­ture. I only ever fea­ture com­pa­nies and brands who I admire — and every spon­sored post you see on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog has been accepted on this basis.

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